Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Former Reagan aide: Get Out of Japan

This article is from a fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute. The author is a former special assistant to President Reagan. >><< Get Out of Japan by Doug Bandow 06.18.2010 Candidate Barack Obama may have charmed foreign peoples, but President Barack Obama unashamedly cold shoulders foreign leaders he doesn’t like. One of them was… Read more »

Bringing the military home is good foreign, fiscal policy Bringing the military home is good foreign, fiscal policy VIEWPOINT By DOLORIS COGAN Can one person save the American taxpayers billions of dollars from the military budget? Probably not. But that’s what I’m trying to do. And if dozens of others knew what I know and wrote their newspapers and representatives in Washington about… Read more »

Robert Naimann: Guam: Self-Determination, or More U.S. Troops? June 17, 2010 Guam: Self-Determination, or More U.S. Troops? Robert Naimann Policy Director, Just Foreign Policy Posted: June 16, 2010 03:22 PM Usually, when someone refers to a place as a “U.S. colony,” they are making an analogy, suggesting that U.S. influence somewhere is so strong, and the indigenous residents of the place have… Read more »

Network for Okinawa’s Statement on Current Situation with U.S. Base Relocation Network for Okinawa’s Statement on Current Situation with U.S. Base Relocation June 14, 2010 We, the Network for Okinawa, firmly oppose the Joint Statement of the U.S.-Japan Consultative Committee issued on May 28, in which the two governments confirmed their intention to build a 1,800-meter long runway (or more than one runway portions) at… Read more »

Senate committee slashes Guam buildup funds by 70%

This is interesting.  Two articles here and here report that the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee cut the Guam military build up funds by 70% because it was requested “ahead of need”.  This may help the anti-buildup resistance movement on Guam.  But these guys are optimistic that the funds are going to be there.  Maybe… Read more »

New Japan Prime Minister said Okinawa should become independent

A new book by Okinawan member of Parliament and peace activist Shoukichi Kina quotes the Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan as saying Okinawa “should just become independent”.  The article below makes this seem like a ridiculous idea, but it is not far off. Okinawa was an independent Kingdom, much like Hawai’i. It was invaded and… Read more »

America’s Identity Crisis: Coming to Terms with Imperial Decline Adbusters Is the rigid US position on military build-up in the A-P really about fragile national/military ego? America’s Identity Crisis: Coming to Terms with Imperial Decline Blake Sifton 11 Jun 2010 In the aftermath of the trauma suffered by the American psyche on 9/11, the United States lashed out blindly and irrationally in fear… Read more »

Consumers Union of Japan: Remove all U.S. bases, scrap Japan-U.S. Security Treaty

CUJ: Annul and Scrap the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty and the Japan-U.S. Status-of-Forces Agreement Resolution to make the best use of Japan’s war-renouncing Constitution, and to request the removal of military bases On May 28, 2010 the governments of Japan and the United States issued a joint statement outlining the relocation of the Futenma base in… Read more »

Japanese ex-Marine strives to debunk ‘myth of deterrent’ FOCUS: Japanese ex-Marine strives to debunk ‘myth of deterrent’ NAHA, Japan, June 16 KYODO A Japanese man with the unusual background of having served in the U.S. Marine Corps is using his experience to vigorously campaign against the U.S. military presence in Okinawa Prefecture. Kimitoshi Takanashi, 38, joined the U.S. Marine Corps in his… Read more »

U.S. military identifies vast mineral riches in Afghanistan

Echoes of the science fiction film Avatar, the U.S. military has located mineral riches in the ground in Afghanistan.    Were the minerals a factor driving the war?   Why is the U.S. military even doing mineral prospecting in Afghanistan? The NYT article says that the size of the deposits are valued at a $1 trillion, the… Read more »