Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

How does Rajin-Sonbong factor into the Cheonan-sinking controversy?

The Statehood Hawaii blog has posted analysis of the sinking of the South Korean navy ship Cheonan in the context of the U.S. military expansion in the Pacific and suggests other factors that may be driving the concerted “official story” blaming North Korea that has been pedaled by the U.S., South Korea and Japan: One… Read more »

Ken O’Keefe issues a statement about the defense of the flotilla from Israeli commando attack

From: Fadwa Dajani <> Sent: Sat, June 5, 2010 9:04:04 PM Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Ken O’Keefe Aboard the Mavi Marmara, Personal Statement & Photos Hello all, I write to inform you about Ken O’Keefe, who was aboard the Mavi Marmara when it was stormed by the Israeli military in the early hours of Monday 31st… Read more »

Beggars’ Belief: The Farmers’ Resistance Movement on Iejima Island, Okinawa

This article from Japan Focus gives a vivid account of the origins and history of the anti-bases movement in Iejima, Okinawa.  Also see the accompanying article by Ahagon Shoko and C. Douglas Lummis: I Lost My Only Son in the War: Prelude to the Okinawan Anti-Base Movement. This article is a translation of two chapters… Read more »

Join DMZ-Hawai’i/ Aloha ‘Aina at the USSF: ‘American Lake’ or Ka Moana Nui?: Demilitarization movements in the Asia-Pacific

‘American Lake’ or Ka Moana Nui?: Demilitarization movements in the Asia-Pacific Since the 1890s, the US has treated the Pacific ocean as an ‘American Lake’. Today, it seeks a drastic expansion of military bases in the region, primarily to contain a rising China. But movements against US bases in the Asia-Pacific are rising up and… Read more »

Another activist with Hawai’i ties injured, still detained by Israel

Ken O’Keefe is an ex-marine who was very active in environmental and Hawaiian sovereignty issues when he lived in Hawai’i.  He delivered blistering testimony against the Army’s bombing and desecration of Makua.  What was so powerful about his testimony is that  he attacked the premise of the training.  As a vet, he had the authority… Read more »

U.S. troops from Hawai’i to conduct joint training with Indonesian military, despite ongoing human rights abuses

In the article below, the Honolulu Advertiser reports that Hawai’i-based troops will conduct joint exercises with the Indonesian military.   The U.S. cut off military ties and military aid to Indonesia because of the horrible human rights abuses by the Indonesian military in East Timor.    When Indonesian military forces, special forces and militias conducted a… Read more »

Video posted: Army desecration of burials angers Native Hawaiians

Army desecration of burials angers Native Hawaiians from kyle kajihiro on Vimeo. The Army Stryker brigade expansion in Hawai’i was a 25,000 acre land grab, the largest military buildup since WWII. Many cultural sites were damaged or destroyed by the project despite community protest. Despite warnings that a vast cultural site complex would be harmed… Read more »

Ann Wright returning home after Israeli attack on humanitarian aid flotilla

Ann Wright, who was aboard one of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla ships attacked by Israeli commandos,  is safe and will be returning to Honolulu according to a report in the Honolulu Star Bulletin. She discussed the attack in an interview on Democracy Now!: JUAN GONZALEZ: Well, we also have on the line also someone else… Read more »

Hawaii rally protesting Israeli commando raid Hawaii rally protesting Israeli commando raid Reported by: Marisa Yamane Email: Last Update: 6/01 10:13 pm A Honolulu woman was among seven hundred activists taken into Israeli custody after soldiers raided a flotilla carrying relief supplies to Gaza. The deadly raid also sparked protests across the US today, including here in Hawaii. Hawaii… Read more »

Japan’s Prime Minister resigns over broken pledge to remove U.S. military base from Okinawa Japan’s Premier Will Quit as Approval Plummets By MARTIN FACKLER Published: June 1, 2010 SEOUL, South Korea — Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama of Japan, who swept into power last year with bold promises to revamp the country, then faltered over broken campaign pledges to remove an American base from Okinawa, announced Wednesday that he… Read more »