Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Hawaii Woman Held By Israelis Hawaii Woman Held By Israelis Activist Was On Aid Mission Attacked By Commandos Dick Allgire KITV 4 News Reporter POSTED: 3:54 pm HST June 1, 2010 HONOLULU — Retired Army Col. Ann Wright, a Honolulu resident, is reportedly being held by the Israeli government after commandos stormed a flotilla of ships taking aid to… Read more »

Honolulu woman detained in Israeli raid on Gaza aid flotilla Honolulu woman detained in Israeli raid on Gaza aid flotilla By Star-Bulletin Staff POSTED: 01:32 p.m. HST, Jun 01, 2010 Honolulu peace activist Ann Wright was one of about 700 people taken into custody by Israeli defense forces after a raid on a flotilla of boats carrying aid to Gaza that left nine people… Read more »

SAVAGERY AT SEA: The Flotilla Massacre

Senator Inouye has been a staunch and uncritical supporter of Israel, including military aid to Israel.   Governor Lingle and newly elected Congress member Charles Djou are also a vocal supporters of Israel. Will they condemn Israel’s attack on the Freedom Flotilla?  Will they seek “clarification”? >><< SAVAGERY AT SEA: The Flotilla Massacre By Phyllis Bennis… Read more »

New website highlights Guam’s marine biodiversity:

The proposed U.S. military expansion in Guam will destroy 71 acres of coral reef in the Apra Harbor to create room for nuclear aircraft carriers.  This new website will give people a sense of the incredible marine treasure that is threatened by this expansion. Raise your voices to stop the military destruction of Guam! >><<… Read more »

Protest Israel’s killing of peace activists

The following action alert was sent by World Can’t Wait: Protest! Tuesday, June 1 Federal Building, 3-6pm Condemn the Killing of Unarmed Peace Activists! End All U.S. Support for Israel! As many as 19 activists in a flotilla carrying 700 activists and tons of emergency supplies to Gaza have been murdered by Israeli commandos! (ABC… Read more »

Deadly Israeli Raid on Aid Flotilla Draws Condemnation

Israel has committed a brutal military attack on the Freedom Flotilla that was bringing humanitarian aid to the blockaded people of Gaza.   Hawai’i resident Ann Wright, a retired Army Colonel, former diplomat and tireless peace and justice activist, was on one of the ships in the flotilla.   We are not certain of her whereabouts,… Read more »

Ampo’s Troubled 50th: Hatoyama’s Abortive Rebellion, Okinawa’s Mounting Resistance and the US-Japan Relationship

Gavan McCormack of Japan Focus has posted an excellent three-part paper on the history of the U.S.-Japan alliance and the Okinawan resistance to the U.S. military bases. >><< Ampo’s Troubled 50th: Hatoyama’s Abortive Rebellion, Okinawa’s Mounting Resistance and the US-Japan Relationship Gavan McCormack This is the first of a three part comprehensive survey of the… Read more »

“Priorities and Concerns of Civil Society Relating to the Decolonization of Guam as a UN Non Self-Governing Territory” STATEMENT OF GUAHAN COALITION FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE and THE CHAMORRO STUDIES ASSOCIATION By HOPE A. CRISTOBAL THE UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON DECOLONISATION Pacific Regional Seminar Noumea, New Caledonia 18 – 20 May 2010 “Priorities and Concerns of Civil Society Relating to the Decolonization of Guam as a UN Non Self-Governing Territory” CHAMORU… Read more »

Vieques: Living (and dying) under military occupation

Professor Katherine McCaffrey gave the following testimony to the White House Interagency Task Force on Puerto Rico. It is a powerful story of the social and economic violence wrought by the military occupation of Vieques.  It should sound familiar to the many communities where military occupation has left its boot print.   Thanks to the… Read more »

“Superferry is completely dead”

Brad Parsons, who diligently followed the Hawaii Superferry saga on his blog and did amazing detective work to discredit the Superferry business plan, expose the military transport contracts lurking behind the Superferry facade, and calculate a seasickness index for voyages, declared “Superferry is completely dead.” Here’s his post about the revocation of a Public Utilities… Read more »