Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

South Korean civil society: Statement on the Current State of Affairs for Peace on the Korean Peninsula

Thanks to Narae Lee, International Coordinator of Peace Boat US for sharing the following statement by South Korean civil society about the sinking of the Cheonan naval ship: >><< Dear all, Please, find a statement below, issued by South Korean civil society, regarding the sinking of the Cheon-ahn navy warship. While no sufficient evidence on… Read more »

Critical perspectives on the Sinking of the Cheonan

Korean Americans: Korea’s Cheonan Ship Sinking Incident-Questions Thanks to Sung-hee Choi and her No Bases Stories of Korea blog for forwarding this video by Korean Americans that raises important questions about the sinking of the South Korean ship Cheonan. In an email she reminds us: The  issues of Cheonan ship and Jeju naval Base should… Read more »

Army desecration of burials angers Native Hawaiians

Yesterday, a representatives of Native Hawaiian organizations and other supporters went on a site visit to the area in Lihu’e (Schofield range) where the Army desecrated the burials of at least two individuals, including an adult and a child.  Poi pounders and other cultural implements were also found at the site. The Army’s propaganda spin… Read more »

Joint Statement of the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee

The U.S. has squeezed Japan to sacrifice Okinawa and Guam for the base realignment.   But Okinawans will resist. >><< Joint Statement of the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee May 28, 2010 by Secretary of State Clinton Secretary of Defense Gates Minister for Foreign Affairs Okada Minister of Defense Kitazawa —————————— On May 28, 2010, the… Read more »

Army finds human remains at Oahu base Army finds human remains at Oahu base By AUDREY McAVOY, The Associated Press POSTED: May 19, 2010 HONOLULU – Army contractors discovered human remains believed to be ancient Hawaiian while workers were excavating at a Schofield Barracks construction site, officials said Tuesday. The Army hasn’t determined the remains are Hawaiian, but it’s assuming they… Read more »

Pagat now historic site – will be affected by military expansion Pagat now historic site By Peter Urban • PDN Washington Bureau • May 20, 2010 The National Trust for Historic Preservation will announce today that the Pagat area of Yigo, which some islanders believe is threatened by the coming military buildup, will join an elite list of 11 historic, endangered sites from around the… Read more »

Army Stryker construction disturbs Native Hawaiian burials in Schofield

Stryker brigade expansion project disturbed Native Hawaiian Burials (iwi kupuna) in the Lihu’e / Schofield Barracks area.  Community groups told the Army that the entire area was culturally significant and needed to be protected from military activity.   Native Hawaiian cultural monitors rediscovered the Hale’au’au Heiau that the Army had listed as destroyed.  This put a… Read more »

The Futenma Base and the U.S.-Japan Controversy: an Okinawan perspective The Futenma Base and the U.S.-Japan Controversy: an Okinawan perspective Yoshio SHIMOJI Introduction This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the conclusion of the revised Japan-U.S. Mutual Security Treaty (Ampo). The original treaty was signed on September 8, 1951, the same day the San Francisco Peace Treaty was signed. One of its provisions stipulated… Read more »

Rothman: The People of Vieques, Puerto Rico Deserve Justice from the U.S. Government

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 17, 2010 CONTACT: Aaron Keyak office: (202) 225-5061 cell: (202) 905-6361 email: Rothman: The People of Vieques, Puerto Rico Deserve Justice from the U.S. Government Hackensack, NJ – Today, Congressman Steve Rothman (D-NJ), a member of the Science and Technology Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, will be joined… Read more »