Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Hatoyama’s Futenma waffling irks Guam Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Hatoyama’s Futenma waffling irks Guam Islanders in limbo, no say on plans for their fate made from afar By KAKUMI KOBAYASHI and HIDENORI TAJIMA Kyodo News HAGATNA, Guam — Guam has been frustrated by the indecision of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama over the stalled plan to relocate U.S. Marines from… Read more »

More GIs committed suicide than were killed in combat Rising military suicides The pace is faster than combat deaths in Iraq or Afghanistan. By John Donnelly More U.S. military personnel have taken their own lives so far in 2009 than have been killed in either the Afghanistan or Iraq wars this year, according to a Congressional Quarterly compilation of the latest statistics from… Read more »

EARTH DAY 2010 Bay Area Groups Demand Halt Of Military Build-up in Guam: Environmentally Destructive & Costly

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Person:  Erica Benton (510)-928-8247, Rev. Deborah Lee (415) 297-8222 Press Conference & Earth Day Action: Bay Area Organizations, Scholars and Environmentalists Demand Halt of Military Build-up in Guam: Environmentally Destructive and Costly Date:  Thursday, April 22, 2010 Time:  10:30 am Location: St. Patrick’s Church, 756 Mission Street, San Francisco Features:  Music,… Read more »

As Kyrgyz victims mourn, U.S. military flights resume, but fate of Manas air base is uncertain Kyrgyz victims mourned, US base fate on hold Kyrgyz victims mourned, interim leader says US air base fate not a top priority for new govt YURAS KARMANAU AP News Apr 09, 2010 13:40 EDT Thousands of grieving, angry mourners flooded the capital’s main square Friday to honor victims of Kyrgyzstan’s revolt — with many… Read more »

Move Troops Back to U.S. Guam Pacific Daily News Author: Move Troops Back to U.S. By Doloris Cogan • April 9, 2010 Guam book for Obama: Doloris Cogan, author of “We Fought the Navy and Won: Guam’s Quest for Democracy,” gives President Obama, then a U.S. senator, a copy of her book during a campaign stop in Indiana. (Photo… Read more »

Okinawa Peace Project study tour will take place in the Fall

The US for Okinawa website just announced that they will sponsor another study tour to Okinawa in September 2010.  See the website for reports on the most recent study tour of Okinawa. >><< Wednesday, April 7, 2010 OKINAWA PEACE PROJECT “OKINAWA PEACE PROJECT” 沖縄ピースプロジェクト FALL 2010 (Tentative dates Sept 22 – 26th) If you… Read more »

Upheaval in Kyrgyzstan Could Imperil Key U.S. Base

“Upheaval in Kyrgyzstan could Imperil key U.S. Base”?  More like U.S. Base created conditions that bred corruption and fueled popular unrest that eventually toppled the government. >><< Upheaval in Kyrgyzstan Could Imperil Key U.S. Base By CLIFFORD J. LEVY Published: April 7, 2010 MOSCOW — The president of Kyrgyzstan was forced to flee the… Read more »

European day of protest against nuclear weapons

Press release  – <> Contact: Hans Lammerant – 0479/68 24 43 Inez Louwagie – 0498/68 29 40 Now or never: get rid of nuclear weapons. 3 April: Bombspotting Kleine Brogel Today, one month before NPT Review Conference, Vredesactie is organising a Bombspotting action on the military base at Kleine Brogel, protesting the nuclear weapons… Read more »

In Kyrgyzstan the Tulips Turn Blood Red

“The developments in Kyrgyzstan are being followed warily in Washington, Berlin, and London because of the Manas air base developed by the United States and used by the NATO allies. It forms a key supply terminal in their northern logistical support network, supporting military operations in Afghanistan. The protestors are focused on the same facts…. Read more »

Video of Civilian Deaths in Iraq and America’s Culture of Violence Video of Civilian Deaths in Iraq and America’s Culture of Violence by Logan Laituri 04-07-2010 “C’mon, just let us shoot…” “I think they just drove over a body.” “Really? Ha!” “Well it’s their fault for bringing their kids into a battle.” These are things one might expect to hear in a living room, uttered… Read more »