Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Gen. Mixon rebuked by Pentagon over anti-gay remarks Posted on: Friday, March 26, 2010 Army commander in Hawaii rebuked by Pentagon, Gates Commander of U.S. Army Pacific called repeal ‘ill-advised’ By William Cole Advertiser Military Writer The top uniformed officer in the U.S. military yesterday sharply criticized Fort Shafter’s Lt. Gen. Benjamin R. “Randy” Mixon after Mixon said he is against repealing… Read more »

Japan to propose moving half of key US base off Okinawa Japan to propose moving half of key US base off Okinawa Agence France-Presse Posted date: March 26, 2010 TOKYO—Japan has decided to propose to Washington to relocate half of a controversial US military airbase away from the southern island of Okinawa, a report said Thursday, citing the top government spokesman. The government had agreed… Read more »

Army ‘convenant’ with Native Hawaiians – a $500,000 publicity stunt

The Army is trying to buy supportive Native Hawaiians who will sign their covenant for their public relations campaign.  It would all be funny if it weren’t so sad that some would stand with the Army in their strategy to counter resistance movements in Makua and elsewhere.  After spending a half-million dollars for a ‘facilitation’… Read more »

Army tries to patch the bridges it has blown up

The Army is trying to patch up the broken relations with the Kanaka Maoli community through a concerted public relations and counter organizing campaign. They have hired Annelle Amaral to be a Native Hawaiian liaison to organize a Native Hawaiian front supportive of the Army’s activities in Hawai’i.  She is quoted as saying: “The relationship… Read more »

Atlantic Free Press Review of ‘Bases of Empire’ book The Bases of Empire – The Global Struggle against U.S. Military Posts – Book Review by Jim Miles Written by Jim Miles Contributor, Atlantic Free Press. Tuesday, 23 March 2010 06:46 Corporations One of the underlying themes arising from Lutz’s introduction and inclusive within the various essays is that “corporations and the military itself… Read more »

Guam Senator B.J. Cruz to speak in Honolulu about the proposed U.S. military expansion Maoli Thursday: The Guam Military Buildup Examining Potential Impacts on Culture, Environment, the Economy and the Larger Community Event Date: April 1, 2010 Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law Presents Maoli Thursday: The Guam Military Buildup: Examining Potential Impacts on Culture, Environment, the Economy and the Larger Community Thursday, April… Read more »

Jeju Island Navy Base Proposal Reaching a Boiling Point

Bruce Gagnon sent out this action alert for solidarity with Jeju islanders fighting against a planned navy base on their “Peace Island”.  In recent statements to the media, the South Korean government cites Hawai’i as an example of the positive impacts of militarization. The Korean government’s argument that militarization has been good for Hawai’i and… Read more »

Velvet Imperialists

Foreign Policy in Focus World Beat:Vol. 5, No. 12 Velvet Imperialists By John Feffer, March 23, 2010 I’m not a big fan of Dana Rohrabacher, the grandstanding Republican congressman from California. But last week at a congressional hearing on U.S.-Japan relations, he ably cut through the Pentagon’s doublespeak. The hearing’s topic was the current conflict… Read more »

On Guam, planned Marine base raises anger, infrastructure concerns On Guam, planned Marine base raises anger, infrastructure concerns By Blaine Harden Washington Post Foreign Service Monday, March 22, 2010; A01 HAGATNA, GUAM — This remote Pacific island is home to U.S. citizens who are fervent supporters of the military, as measured by their record of fighting and dying in America’s recent wars. But… Read more »

U.S. says base relocation plan must have acceptance of local community LEAD: Local agreement necessary for Futemma relocation Mar 21 09:35 AM US/Eastern WASHINGTON, March 21 (AP) – (Kyodo) The United States has told Japan it will not renegotiate the relocation plan for the U.S. Marine Corps’ Futemma Air Station in Okinawa Prefecture if the local community will not accept the relocation, sources close to… Read more »