Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Obama to meet with Guam authorities, but not grassroots leaders concerned about the military buildup

President Obama will meet with local Guam officials on a stopover March 22nd to allay rising concerns about the proposed military expansion in the Marianas islands   But he is not meeting with grassroots leaders who have demanded to be heard about their concerns regarding the military buildup. >><< BREAKING NEWS: 8:15 a.m. –… Read more »

Tiananmen in Nawiliwili Kauai | The Superferry Chronicles Although most people are not aware of it, the USA has an image which is similar to the scene from Tiananmen Square. Fortunately this David and Goliath event did not end in the loss of life and the citizens were successful. August 2007—Hawaii—A new Superferry transporting cars and people… Read more »

China strikes back with report on U.S. human rights record

China has issued a report on U.S. human rights record. Here’s a relevant excerpt followed by the full article.  There’s links at the bottom of the article to the full text of the human rights report and China’s own human rights plan.  Here’s an excerpt from the report: VI. On U.S. Violations of Human Rights… Read more »

‘Close the Base’: a new website for solidarity with Okinawa

Close the Base is a new website for U.S. solidarity with the anti-bases struggle in Okinawa.  Here’s an excerpt from their site: We support the unconditional closure of the U.S. Marine Corps base at Futenma and oppose the construction of other U.S. bases in Okinawa. The Network for Okinawa (NO) is a grassroots network that… Read more »

Thousands Call on Obama to Speak with All of Guam’s People, Hear Concerns About Buildup

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM WE ARE GUÅHAN Thousands Call on Obama to Speak with All of Guam’s People, Hear Concerns About Buildup March 11, 2010, GUAM – With the largest military realignment in modern history slated to hit the US Territory of Guam, over 11,000 people from the Pacific Island and across the globe signed… Read more »

US Dream Come True? The New Henoko Sea Base and Okinawan Resistance US Dream Come True? The New Henoko Sea Base and Okinawan Resistance By Makishi Yoshikazu [Why is the news of a plan to move 7,000 US Marine troops from southern Okinawa to Guam creating no good vibes in Okinawa? Because nothing much is changing. The Japanese Government is proceeding with construction of a new… Read more »

March 4 militancy led by women

Mahalo to Katy Rose for this link: >><< Monday, March 8, 2010 M4: Militancy led by women March 4th Movement: Militancy led by women exellent video! I just watched the video of the UC Davis. (Spoiler) the film shows students led by a woman activist marching down the I-80. She is watched by… Read more »

US for OKINAWA and Peace Boat create Study Program to Okinawa!

Peace Boat and US for Okinawa are planning a study program to Okinawa April 1 – 5, 2010. Deadline for applications is March 16, 2010. Thursday, March 4, 2010 US for OKINAWA and Peace Boat create Study Program to Okinawa! Are you interested in learning more about the U.S. military base issue in Okinawa?… Read more »

Guam: Japan Group Shares Experience With Military Presence

These people-to-people exchanges and solidarity efforts are very encouraging.   The peoples of our region can make peace despite the oppressive and militarized policies of our governments. >><< Marianas Variety Japan Group Shares Experience With Military Presence Tuesday, 09 March 2010 04:54 by Therese Hart | Variety News Staff Tsuru Masaaki, leader of the 21-member… Read more »

South Korea: Nationwide Protests Against US-ROK War Games

Mahalo to Sung Hee Choi for these reports on peace/anti-war/anti-militarism demonstrations across Korea in response to provocative U.S.-Republic of Korea joint military exercises. >><< Monday, March 8, 2010 Key Resolve, US-SK Annual War Exercise Starts in the Korean Peninsula on March 8 and Nationwide Protests against it, as Well * Image source: Solidarity for… Read more »