Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Friends of Sabeel Conference in Honolulu

What Does Justice Require of US? Peace with Justice in the Holy Land a conference presented by Friends of Sabeel Hawai’i Honolulu Conference Feb. 26-27, 2010 Conference Goals: Educate others about the conflict in Palestine/israel; Provide a venue for discussion and dialogue; Empower U.S. citizens to become effectivde advocates of a just and peaceful solution…. Read more »

JHSV / Strykerferry invasion of the Pacific?

More information on the proposed stationing of Joint High Speed Vessels in Guam, Hawai’i, San Diego and/or Seattle.   The Army is currently conducting scoping on a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for stationing of these military fast transport vessels.   In Hawai’i a grassroots resistance stopped the Hawaii Superferry, a JHSV disguised as a civilian ferry,  through… Read more »

Superferry Alert! Army eyes Guam, Hawai’i, Seattle and San Diego for JHSV

Return of Strykerferry!  The Army is soliciting comments on a plan to station Joint High Speed Vessels (JHSV), which are based on the same design as the Hawaii Superferry, in several possible locations including Guam, Hawai’i, San Diego and Seattle.   See the article below for more information. >><< February 4, 2010 Guam may host… Read more »

Vicenza, Italy: 50 activists enter site, chain themselves to cranes to stop military base

US MILITARY BASE AT “DAL MOLIN” IN VICENZA 50 ACTIVISTS GO INTO THE SITE AND CHAIN THEMSELVES TO THE CRANES Fifty women and men of Vicenza entered today in the construction site of the new US military base at Dal Molin and chained themselves to the cranes and the working machineries used to build the… Read more »

UPDATED: Rise Up! Roots of Liberation – Youth Camp for Justice and Peace

UPDATE:  Thanks to a special gift from the Hawai’i Peoples Fund, we able to offer a $150 stipend to participants who successfully complete the program. DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MARCH 1st, 2010 youth camp for justice and peace March 15 – 19, 2010 Camp Kokokahi, Kane’ohe Who:             Youth ages 15 – 19 with a passion… Read more »

Philippines: U.S. military pollution linked to deaths

There are photos and video at the original site. >><< Decades later, U.S. military pollution in Philippines linked to deaths By Travis J. Tritten, Stars and Stripes Pacific edition, Tuesday, February 2, 2010 CLARK AIR BASE, Philippines – The U. S. military is long gone from bases in the Philippines, but its legacy remains… Read more »

Vieques: Two daughters with cancer: Is the U.S. to blame? Two daughters with cancer: Is the U.S. to blame? By Abbie Boudreau and Scott Bronstein, CNN Special Investigations Unit February 2, 2010 11:03 a.m. EST Meet a mother from Vieques and her two daughters who both suffer from cancer on tonight’s Campbell Brown, 8 ET Vieques, Puerto Rico (CNN) — Each day after work,… Read more »

Thousands gather in Tokyo for Military-base-free Okinawa

Here’s a great report on the demonstration in Tokyo in solidarity with Okinawa. The event, along with a tandem event was organized by a new group US for Okianwa.  The group includes many expatriates from the US and other countries living in Japan: >><< Sunday, January 31, 2010 Thousands gather over weekend in Tokyo… Read more »

Vieques: Island residents sue U.S., saying military made them sick Island residents sue U.S., saying military made them sick By Abbie Boudreau and Scott Bronstein, CNN Special Investigations Unit February 1, 2010 — Updated 2103 GMT (0503 HKT) Vieques, Puerto Rico (CNN) — Nearly 40 years ago, Hermogenes Marrero was a teenage U.S. Marine, stationed as a security guard on the tiny American island… Read more »

News Update from Jeju anti-bases protest

Below is an email update from Sung-Hee Choi, a South Korean peace activist and blogger for the No Bases Stories Korea about the anti-bases struggle in Jeju, a world peace island.  There have been developments indicating that international pressure is having an effect on the South Korean government’s plans to break ground on a new… Read more »