Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

U.S. expands missile sites in Persian Gulf

Very disturbing movement by the U.S. to deploy missile launch sites throughout the middle east and eastern Europe. >><< US upgrades defense of Persian Gulf allies AP By ROBERT BURNS, AP National Security Writer Robert Burns, Ap National Security Writer – Sun Jan 31, 7:31 am ET WASHINGTON – The United States has begun… Read more »

Russia warns U.S. about “reckless” missile deployment in Poland Russia will not just watch Patriot missiles deployed Friday, January 29, 2010 Russia’s ambassador to NATO Dmitry Rogozin, warned on Friday that his country will not passively watch the deployment of a U.S. Patriot missile battery in Poland. The US will supply the Patriots and 100 troops in Poland this year, to be stationed… Read more »

U.S. Moves missiles and troops to the Russian Border January 22, 2010 With Nuclear, Conventional Arms Pacts Stalled, U.S. Moves Missiles And Troops To Russian Border Rick Rozoff 2010 is proceeding in a manner more befitting the third month of the year, named after the Roman god of war, than the first whose name is derived from a pacific deity. On January 13… Read more »

U.S. ambassador stresses need for troops in Okinawa U.S. ambassador stresses need for troops on Okinawa By Teri Weaver, Stars and Stripes Pacific edition, Sunday, January 31, 2010 TOKYO — The Marines stationed on Okinawa might be the least understood of the nearly 50,000 U.S. troops serving throughout Japan, according to the United States’ top diplomat here in a Friday speech to… Read more »

“Vieques: Military Contamination and Health” to air on CNN

The following message was sent by Comite Pro-Rescate y Desarolle de Vieques (Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques): Thanks to Javier Cuebas for the information below. Gracias a Javier S. Cuebas por la información abajo. Dear Friends: CNN is running a two part series on Vieques: Military Contamination and Health Monday, February 1… Read more »

Hawaii Superferries to the rescue!

The Hawaii Superferry ships are fulfilling their military sea lift destiny in Haiti.  No doubt, this story will be used by proponents of the Superferry to argue for the ships to come back to Hawai’i. >><< High-Speed Ferry Ships to Support Haiti Relief Story Number: NNS100127-24 Release Date: 1/27/2010 8:17:00 PM By Adrian Schulte,… Read more »

Pilger: The Kidnapping of Haiti

Bits and pieces of news have begun to emerge about the U.S. militarization of relief efforts in Haiti.   In the article below, John Pilger describes what he calls the “Kidnapping of Haiti”.  France has accused the U.S. of “occupying” Haiti.  Others including Naomi Klein warned of a new disaster capitalism assault on Haiti in the… Read more »

Oppose U.S. military bases in Colombia

The Mingas network is a solidarity network working for peace, justice and democracy in Colombia.  It issued the following call to support a statement against the recent U.S.-Colombia agreement to establish multiple military bases in Colombia. They are seeking only organizational endorsers at this time.   Go to this link to sign the letter: …. Read more »

US military build-up on Guam worries islanders

Over the last several weeks there has been a growing wave of opposition to the military expansion on Guam and the Northern Marianas, led mostly by youth.  It has been very encouraging to see them find their voice to speak out clearly, powerfully, and intelligently against the genocidal militarization planned for their island while navigating… Read more »

Peace Action Network launches Okinawa solidarity events in Tokyo and Kyoto

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 US for Okinawa – Peace Action Network launches this weekend in Tokyo and Kyoto Members of grassroots peace groups and other concerned individuals have gathered to form the “US for OKINAWA peace action network”. Closely affiliated with the Peace Boat NGO and also including members from the Peace Not War… Read more »