Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

CINCPAC doing spin control on Nago mayoral election

In this article from the AP published in the Marine Times, Admiral Willard, the new Commander of the Pacific Command tries to downplay the significance of the Nago mayoral elections, where an anti-base candidate won over the pro-base incumbent. >><< PaCom boss: Vote not setback to moving Futenma Audrey McAvoy – The Associated Press… Read more »

Okinawa Upset OPINION ASIA JANUARY 26, 2010 Okinawa Upset Sunday’s election deals a blow to U.S.-Japan relations, but the damage isn’t fatal. By TOBIAS HARRIS This year marks the 50th anniversary of the U.S.-Japan alliance, but an election in the tiny city of Nago, Okinawa (population 59,742) may have unsettled the relationship. Nago is home to… Read more »

Appeal from No Dal Molin movement

This was sent by the No Dal Molin movement from Enzo Ciscato <>: APPEAL: Let’s defend our HISTORY To the associations, to the movements, to everyone who, in these years, have put effort and struggle to preserve the landscape, the history and the cultural traditions of our territory we are asking for an extraordinary mobilitation… Read more »

New Okinawa mayor opposes U.S. base

Nago mayor-elect Inamine opposes the relocation of the U.S. military base from Ginowan to Henoko/Oura.  This adds momentum to the movement to remove the bases from Okinawa. But the relocation of the troops and bases to Guam or Hawai’i are not acceptable options either.  The U.S. bases are an oppressive and harmful presence in each… Read more »

NZ spy station eavesdropping on Asian satellites Spies on the ground beat ears in the sky By NICKY HAGER – Sunday Star Times Last updated 05:00 24/01/2010 Photo: Marlborough Express Waihopai spy station. INQUISITIVE MARLBOROUGH locals have outsmarted government attempts to keep the targets of the Waihopai spy station secret – and have discovered that it is eavesdropping on Asian satellites… Read more »

Okinawa Times article about Hawaii solidarity against US bases (Japanese language) [ハワイ]「基地いらない」米国務長官訪問に県人ら抗議集会 「沖縄にもグアムにもハワイにも基地はいらない」とデモをする人たち=ホノルル市・東西センター前 [画像を拡大] 2010年1月18日 09時41分 【知花愛実通信員】12日、米国のヒラリー・クリントン国務長官がホノルル市を訪れ、市内にある東西 センターでアジア太平洋問題についてスピーチを行った。滞在中、太平洋地域のリーダーと面会し討議するほか、この後、パプアニューギニアを訪問し、環境保 護問題などについて会議を行う。 クリントン国務長官到着時、東西センターの前では、反戦・反基地を訴える活動家らが集まり、懸案の普 天間基地移設問題を前に、基地縮小の意を訴えた。地元ハワイの人々をはじめ、ネーティブハワイアン、グアム、沖縄などさまざまな地域出身の人々が集まり、 抗議行動に参加していた。 代表のカイル・カジヒロさんは「沖縄にも、グアムにも、ハワイにもどこにも基地はいらない。私たちは 基地の移設より、全面的な縮小を求めている。私たちの住んでいる所は、遠く小さな島国かもしれないが、基地のために利用される必要はない、平和に暮らす権 利がある。アジア太平洋が一つのコミュニティーとして団結してそれを訴えていくべきだ」と述べた。

News from Jeju anti-bases struggle: Police raided peaceful sit-in, people arrested, injured

Here are some dispatches about the South Korean police raid of the Gangjeong village protest against a Navy base. This is on Jeju Island in South Korea, a world designated peace island. But the Korean Navy wants a Navy base.  This is widely understood to be a base that will be used by U.S. aegis… Read more »

Superferry craft Haiti-bound Posted on: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 Superferry craft Haiti-bound Advertiser Staff One of two high-speed catamarans built for Hawaii Superferry is being sent to Haiti to help with relief efforts following the devastating earthquake. The U.S. Department of Transportation said the Huakai is among five ships owned or controlled by the federal Maritime Administration… Read more »

The Insular Empire: America in the Mariana Islands to show in Honolulu

What is it like to be a colonial subject of the greatest democracy on earth? The Insular Empire: America in the Mariana Islands What: FREE public screening of the PBS documentary The Insular Empire: America in the Mariana Islands. Screening will be followed by a panel discussion with the filmmaker and special guests. Refreshments. When:… Read more »

Is Hatoyama government backtracking on bases in Okinawa?

This editorial writer claims that the Hatoyama government in Japan is seeking “hana michi”, a graceful and face-saving surrender after challenging the US base relocation agreement.   Let’s hope that this is wishful thinking on the writer’s part and not the inclination of the Japanese government.  The people of Okinawa want the U.S. bases out.   Will… Read more »