Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

EMERGENCY: The Police Raid the Gangjeong Village, Jeju, South Korea

Jeju is a small island off the coast of South Korea. It is known for its beautiful volcanic landscape and semi-tropical climate, abundant seafood and strong tradition of peace activism.  The island is designated as a world peace island. But the Korean government wants to build a navy base on the island, which activists believe… Read more »

Okinawa: Another village fights against U.S. military base expansion

There has recently been much attention focused on the conflict between the U.S. and Japan over the relocation of Futenma air station from Ginowan city to Henoko/Oura.  However, there is another base expansion in Takae, in the north of Okinawa that threatens rain forest habitat to many of Okinawa’s rare species. Download the Voice of… Read more »

The militarization of Saddle Road

This article describes the funding mechamisms by which the military paid for much of the Saddle Road realignment to suit their operational needs. The original Army newsletter containing the article is found here: >><<…-a0215842041 Defense access roads: Hawaii road shows program’s benefits to military and nation. A recent ceremony in Mauna Kea State… Read more »

Chamorro Self-Determination 15 January 2010 Chamorro Self-Determination (Marianas Variety) By Ben Pangelinan Over 3,600 years before the lost European Ferdinand Magellan ascended into our small island chain, 3,830 years before my grandmother was born and 3,887 years ago before I was born —the Chamorro people sailed the oceans and lived on this land they called Guahan…. Read more »

“Constancy & Change: The Movement to Demilitarize Okinawa – from the 1950s to the 21st Century”

Download leaflet here Center for Okinawan Studies Lecture Series “Constancy & Change: The Movement to Demilitarize Okinawa – from the 1950s to the 21st Century” Two doctoral students at the University of Hawai‘i-Mānoa will make presentations on sixty-five years of diverse resistance by the movement to demilitarize Okinawa. Mami Hayashi’s presentation, “Military Bases in Okinawa:… Read more »

AP: Clinton was met by protesters

The AP reported: Speaking on a hillside terrace at the East-West Center on the campus of the University of Hawaii, Clinton was met upon arrival by a few dozen protesters lining the street and shouting “End the wars!” and hoisting signs demanding that the U.S. withdraw its military forces from Okinawa. None attended the speech…. Read more »

“Once you take our lands away, we lose it forever”

The website We Are Guahan has been posting selected testimonies from the ongoing hearings on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the military buildup.   There have been powerful statements that the world and U.S. leaders need to hear.   DMZ-Hawai’i / Aloha ‘Aina will be reposting some of these testimonies.  Here is a testimony submitted by… Read more »

Clinton: APEC meeting is a chance for Hawai’i to showcase its ‘diversity’

“Diversity”! I guess that’s our cue to bust out the flower shirts and grass skirts.  Cliches like “aloha spirit” and “diversity” have been so overused and abused by powerful interests in Hawai’i that they have lost their meaning, become empty, irritating and even dangerous ideas, weapons to be used against the rebellious.  When Native Hawaiians… Read more »

“New Architecture” in the Asia-Pacific or just more hegemony?

Terri Keko’olani, AFSC Hawai’i and DMZ-Hawai’i / Aloha ‘Aina. Photo:  Eri Oura Below is another story from the KITV newscast about Sec. of State Clinton’s speech yesterday at the East West Center. Footage on the 10:00 pm news included the demonstration by AFSC Hawai’i, DMZ-Hawai’i / Aloha ‘Aina, Gaza Freedom March, World Can’t Wait and… Read more »

Protest greets Hillary Clinton at the East West Center

Angela Hoppe Cruz, a Chamorro student at UH, demonstrates her solidarity against U.S. military bases in Okinawa as well as Guam, her homeland. Photo: Eri Oura Today in Honolulu, a lively protest outside the East West Center greeted U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who delivered a speech on the U.S. vision for the Asia-Pacific… Read more »