Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Send a Message to Secretary of State Clinton

URGENT ACTION ALERT TUESDAY Message to Secretary of State Clinton: We Want Peace! Sign holding to declare our vision for the Asia-Pacific at Clinton’s policy speech TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2010 1:00 – 2:30 pm East-West Center Imin Conference Center at the UH Manoa campus, East West Road. A Peoples’ Vision for the Asia Pacific: We… Read more »

Close US Military Bases in Japan and Okinawa; Rally During Secretary of State HIllary Clinton’s Foreign Policy Speech

Posted on Common Dreams: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 12, 2010 4:22 AM CONTACT: Grassroots Organizations Kyle Kajihiro, American Friends Service Committee andDMZ Hawaii/ Aloha ‘Aina home 808-542-3668, ( Ann Wright, Gaza Freedom March, 808-741-1141, ( Close US Military Bases in Japan and Okinawa; Rally During Secretary of State HIllary Clinton’s Foreign Policy Speech HAWAII… Read more »

Shimojijima islanders protest possibility of U.S. military base

The new ruling party in Japan is trying to uphold its campaign pledge to reject relocation of Futenma Marine base to Henoko in Okinawa.  The new government is scouting alternative sites, including small offshore islands such as Shimojijima.  But residents of Shimojijima are protesting even the aerial inspection of their island by a top official. … Read more »

Waihopai Spybase Protest Saturday, January 23rd

Chief Reporter WAIHOPAI SPYBASE PROTEST SATURDAY JANUARY 23rd END NZ INVOLVEMENT IN US WARS People from all around New Zealand will be converging on Blenheim and the super-secret Waihopai satellite interception spybase, in Marlborough, on the weekend of January 22-24. The war in Afghanistan, in which the NZ military is directly involved, has got dramatically… Read more »

We Say “No” Now

Spanish Occupation, Japanese Invasion and Being Owned by a Nation. The Chamorro people are struggling to save whats left of their language, their culture, their blood and their land. Videographer – Cara Flores Editor – Jason Triplett

Guam military families speak out against the buildup

Who Speaks for Local Soldiers? Two powerful testimonies against the military expansion on Guam from women whose family members serve in the U.S. military. One says: “If you don’t want to give them your land, they can take it.” She fears not being able to ever own land with the population and economic changes in… Read more »

Chamorro youth “give breath” to resistance on Guahan/Guam DEIS rouses youth activism Monday, 11 January 2010 05:02 by Zita Y. Taitano | Variety News Staff DYNAMIC young community voices are starting to rise above the public complacency toward the military’s voluminous draft impact study to give new breath to vital concerns of family, community and employment. More than 500 residents listen to… Read more »

Japanese Bureaucrats Hide Decision to Move All US Marines out of Okinawa to Guam

This article discusses information that the Marine Corps relocation from Okinawa to Guam would negate the ‘need’ for a replacement facility in Henoko.  This news has been suppressed by the Japanese media.  But the article does not consider the destructive impact of the military invasion of Guam and CNMI. >><< Japanese Bureaucrats Hide Decision… Read more »

Guam says “No Deal!” to the U.S. Military Buildup

The U.S. military currently is conducting public hearings on its draft environmental impact statement for its military buildup in Guam and the Northern Marianas islands.   At the first hearing, residents overwhelmingly opposed the plan.   Here is a powerful testimony by prophet-poet Melvin Won Pat-Borja, a former mentor with YouthSpeaks Hawai’i who now teaches in Guam…. Read more »

US military bases “an obstacle to peaceful long-term relations between the United States and other countries”

Influential international columnist William Pfaff dares to ask “the question no U.S. official dare ask”:  “Has it been a terrible, and by now all but irreversible, error for the United States to have built a system of more than 700 military bases and stations girdling the world? Does it provoke war rather than provide security?”… Read more »