Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Biba Guahan! Residents oppose military expansion at Draft EIS hearing Buildup Hearing Filled with Anti-Buildup Sentiments Guam – The Southern High Cafeteria was filled with residents both curious and eager to speak publicly about the imminent military buildup. This is where the Joint Guam Program office held the first of it’s series of public hearings on the the Draft Environmental Impact Statement or D.E.I.S…. Read more »

Briefing Paper: Military Buildup in the Mariana Islands

Koohan Paik created this briefing paper from the military’s Draft Envirionmental Impact Statement for the military expansion in Guam and the Northern Marianas: THE MILITARY BUILDUP IN THE MARIANA ISLANDS Guam, a possession of the United States, is one of 15 islands in the Marianas, an archipelago in the western Pacific so pristine and rich… Read more »

Tensions between Japan and U.S. over Okinawa bases

The Honolulu Advertiser ran this story from the AP about the ongoing tensions between the U.S. and Japan over the fate of Futenma Marine Base.   The U.S. wants to proceed with plans agreed to by the previous Japanese conservative government to relocate the base in the pristine coral reef habitat of Henoko, destroying critical habitat… Read more »

Guam Military “Buildup Blues, part 1”

Here’s a new YouTube Video about the military buildup in Guam: Senator B.J. Cruz of the Guam Legislature takes us for a spin to show us some of the devastation that the proposed military buildup will bring. Check out

Coast Guard analysis of Superferry protest response

Mahalo to Brad Parsons for sharing this article containing the Coast Guard’s analysis of their “unified command” to suppress Hawaii Superferry protests in Nawiliwili harbor. >><< Wednesday, December 23, 2009 The Hawaii Superferry—information sharing leads to operational success Posted by USCG Proceedings of the MSSC Excerpt from U.S. Coast Guard “Proceedings of the Marine… Read more »

Support Plowshares activists who broke into nuclear missile base

Five Plowshares activists broke into the Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor to symbolically disarm nuclear weapons stored there.   I admire the loving courage of the Plowshares activists.  Unlike consumer Christians who try to buy their salvation with trendy merchandise like the “WWJD” (What Would Jesus Do?) products, the Plowshares activists are for real. They truly ask “What… Read more »

Japanese Bureaucrats Hide Decision to Move All US Marines out of Okinawa to Guam

Thanks to Japan Focus for translating and making available this excellent article about the military base relocation controversy in Japan. >><< Japanese Bureaucrats Hide Decision to Move All US Marines out of Okinawa to Guam [Japanese original text at Tanaka News (] Tanaka Sakai Translation by William Steele Introduction by Gavan McCormack The Japanese… Read more »

Lind: “1971: Hawaii People’s Coalition for Peace and Justice”

Ian Lind posted archival materials from the Hawaii People’s Coalition for Peace and Justice circa 1971.   It is both encouraging and depressing to see that the themes and struggles from forty years ago are still relevant to the movement today.    One of the archived documents that caught my eye, an open letter to Americans from… Read more »

Military to hikers: Take up indoor hobbies

Military to Guam residents: We will take your ancestral land and resources. So you won’t be able to fish, hunt, conduct traditional cultural practices, but you can go bowling or roller skating instead.  Wow, score! >><< HIKING, FISHING FORFEIT IN GUAM MILITARY LAND GRAB Marine Corps suggests residents turn to indoor activities By Jude… Read more »

Military men are silent victims of sexual assault Military men are silent victims of sexual assault By Bill Sizemore The Virginian-Pilot © October 5, 2009 For years after the parachute accident that ended his Army service, Cody Openshaw spiraled downward. He entered college but couldn’t keep up with his studies. He had trouble holding a job. He drank too much. He had… Read more »