Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Diego Garcia: A thorn in the side of Africa’s nuclear-weapon-free zone Diego Garcia: A thorn in the side of Africa’s nuclear-weapon-free zone By Peter H. Sand | 8 October 2009 Article Highlights More than 13 years after its signature, the Pelindaba Treaty, which establishes Africa as a nuclear-weapon-free zone, officially came into force this summer. However, conflicting British and African interpretations of an oblique footnote about… Read more »

Agent Orange’s lethal legacy, part 5,0,2121785,full.story AGENT ORANGE: PART 5 OF 5 Agent Orange’s lethal legacy: Defoliants more dangerous than they had to be Papers show firms didn’t act on data to reduce toxicity Before-and-after air views show the effects herbicides had when sprayed in Vietnam during the war. Above is an unsprayed mangrove forest, date unknown, and the bottom… Read more »

DN!: Indigenous Leaders at the Front Line of Climate Change

Malia Nobriga from Hawai’i was interviewed by Democracy Now! at the Copenhagen Climate Change action where 100,000 people marched outside while the states debated inside.  The issue of climate change, rampant development, energy consumption and degradation of the environment is now reaching an irreversible tipping point for the planet, with the poor and indigenous peoples… Read more »

National Call for March 4 Strike and Day of Action To Defend Public Education

Education is a right!  Fund education, not wars, prisons or bailouts! National Call for March 4 Strike and Day of Action To Defend Public Education California has recently seen a massive movement erupt in defense of public education — but layoffs, fee hikes, cuts, and the re-segregation of public education are attacks taking place throughout… Read more »

‘The Marines are coming’ This NOW program was shown on PBS last week about the U.S. military expansion on Guam.   Go to the NOW website for links and other resources. Guam is an American colony, with no say in the military invasion that will suffocate the Chamoru people.

Army Releases November Suicide Data Thursday, December 10, 2009 Army Releases November Suicide Data The Army released suicide data for the month of November today. Among active-duty soldiers, there were 12 potential suicides, all of which are pending determination of the manner of death. For October, the Army reported 16 potential suicides among active-duty soldiers. Since the release of… Read more »

PBS to air program on military expansion on Guam

Why Are We Sending Thousands of Military Personnel to Guam? Tuesday 08 December 2009 by: NOW | t r u t h o u t | Programming Note Why are we sending thousands of military personnel to Guam? Next on “NOW.” Over the next five years, as many as 30,000 service members and their families… Read more »

Agent Orange’s lethal legacy, part 4,0,2740259,full.story AGENT ORANGE: PART 4 OF 5 Agent Orange’s lethal legacy: At former U.S. bases in Vietnam, a potent poison is clear and present danger Bases remain polluted from defoliants, underscoring the urgency of a solvable problem By Jason Grotto Tribune reporter December 9, 2009 DA NANG, Vietnam – Part 4 of a Tribune investigation… Read more »

Agent Orange’s Deadly Legacy, part 3

This third article in a series about Agent Orange from the Chicago Tribune looks at the toxic legacy in Vietnam.  The indiscriminate suffering caused by the chemical should clearly mark this as a chemical weapon, a ‘weapon of mass destruction’.   The U.S. is now using depleted uranium weapons which have also been suspected as causing… Read more »

Agent Orange’s lethal legacy, part 2 of 5

This is the second article in an excellent investigative series from the Chicago Tribune on the disastrous legacy of Agent Orange, a toxic defoliant, in essence a chemical weapon,  used in the Vietnam War. >><<,0,7742805,full.story AGENT ORANGE: PART 2 OF 5 Agent Orange’s lethal legacy: For Vietnam War veterans, injustice follows injury Vietnam vets… Read more »