Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Agent Orange’s lethal legacy: For U.S., a record of neglect

The Chicago Tribune ran a powerful series of articles on the toxic legacy of the U.S. military’s use of Agent Orange in Vietnam.  The nightmarish health effects have haunted generations of Vietnamese and U.S. soldiers and their families.   As a main staging base for air operations in Vietnam, Guam is also heavily contaminated with Agent… Read more »

U.S. Army Rapes – The Hidden War U.S Army Rapes – The Hidden War Sunday, December 6, 2009 By Smriti Rao During her deployment in Baghdad, Sandra Lee was raped twice by a fellow American soldier. Back home, she works to draw attention to the rising cases of sexual assault within the ranks. (Photo Credit: Peter Ash Lee) On Veterans Day,… Read more »

U.S. presses Japan to resolve Okinawa base dispute ‘expeditiously’

The U.S. is trying to bully the new government in Japan into accepting the expansion of the military base in Henoko. >><< Friday, December 4, 2009 U.S. presses Japan to resolve Okinawa base dispute ‘expeditiously’ By Blaine Harden and John Pomfret Washington Post TOKYO — U.S. Ambassador John Roos said Friday the Obama administration… Read more »

Court says death-row inmate’s military service is relevant for sentencing

The Supreme Court said that the military service of a convicted death-row murderer should have been considered in his sentencing because “Our nation has a long tradition of according leniency to veterans in recognition of their service, especially for those who fought on the front lines as Porter did.”  While I oppose the death penalty,… Read more »

TONIGHT! Henoko Environmental Activists to Speak in Honolulu

Henoko Environmentalists to Speak at KCC Tuesday, 12/1, 7pm From: Ukwanshin Kabudan <> Takuma Higashionna and Hideki Yoshikawa of the Okinawa Dugong Environmental Assessment Watch Group will be on Oahu this week to report on the status of their struggle to save their coast from the construction of a U.S. Marine airbase. Both men are… Read more »

Chamoru and allies protest the military expansion On Friday, November 20, the day the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Guam Military Expansion was released, there was a demonstration against the U.S. military expansion in Guam.     The Drowning Mermaid blog carried a report and  photos from the action.  Here’s a few excerpts: I don’t think it’s uncommon to stay silent on… Read more »

Draft Environmental Impact Statement available for military expansion on Guam / N. Marianas

NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF DRAFT EIS/OEIS AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS The Department of the Navy (DoN) and the Joint Guam Program Office (JGPO) announces the availability of the Guam and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) military relocation Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS). The Draft EIS/OEIS analyzes the potential environmental… Read more »

Superferry may rise from the dead

While the Hawaii Superferry corporation is bankrupt, the Superferry concept itself may not be completely dead: “We recognize the value that the ferries can provide Hawaii and are willing to work with transportation planners, providers and officials to advance proposals to use them in regular service” in Hawaii, the Maritime Administration official said. Maka’ala. >><<… Read more »

Yes We Can (But We Won’t): Obama, Hatoyama and Okinawa November 13-15, 2009 Yes We Can (But We Won’t) Obama, Hatoyama and Okinawa By DOUGLAS LUMMIS Naha, Okinawa Walking distance from the US Consulate in Okinawa is a Starbucks coffee shop. My wife and I sometimes go there, because they let you sit at the tables and work, so long as you sometimes order… Read more »

Honolulu Advertiser: Pentagon urged to keep Guam better informed on Marine transfer Friday, November 13, 2009 Pentagon urged to keep Guam better informed on Marine transfer By JOHN YAUKEY Gannett Washington Bureau WASHINGTON — Guam’s government needs more timely information from the Defense Department about the planned transfer of 8,000 Marines and their dependents there from Japan so it can better plan for the necessary infrastructure… Read more »