Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Marshall Island Chief sues over illegal taking of Kwajalein for U.S. missile base

MARSHALLS CHIEF FILES SUIT AGAINST U.S. BASE Former president Kabua says lease treaty illegal By Giff Johnson MAJURO, Marshall Islands (Marianas Variety, Oct. 12, 2009) – A powerful traditional chief in the Marshall Islands has stepped up the battle for control of a United States missile testing range by filing a court challenge to a… Read more »

Will the new bases in Panama be U.S. or Panamanian bases? It makes no difference.

According to the blog post below, the Panamanian government quickly clarified that the new planned navy bases were Panamanian bases, not U.S. bases.  But this makes no difference.  The base in Manta, Ecuador was also an Ecuadorian base, but the U.S. had agreements to utilize the base.  This is consistent with the new basing strategy… Read more »

Panama agrees to host two U.S. naval bases Panama agrees to host two U.S. naval bases 02:0328/09/2009 MEXICO, September 27 (RIA Novosti) – Panama will sign before October 2009 a treaty with the United States on the opening of two U.S. naval bases on its territory, a senior Panamanian government official said on Sunday. According to Panama’s La Prensa newspaper, a preliminary… Read more »

Military goal: “run the planet from Guam and Diego Garcia by 2015” Forcibly Exiled Nearly 40 Years Ago, Diego Garcia Natives Fight to Return to Island Home Now Used as Key US Military Outpost We turn now to another island that is a key military outpost for the United States. Located in the Indian Ocean, Diego Garcia has often been used for strikes on Iraq and… Read more »

What is the new Japanese government’s position on U.S. bases in Okinawa?

As these two articles illustrate, the  new government under the Democratic Party of Japan, which committed in a pre-election manifesto to “move in the direction of re-examining the realignment of the U.S. military forces in Japan,” is not in complete unity about its position.   The DPJ position has been to move the U.S. Futenma military… Read more »

Julian Aguon on Democracy Now! Speaks Against U.S. Military Buildup on Guam Guam Residents Organize Against US Plans for $15B Military Buildup on Pacific Island The United States is planning an enormous $15 billion military buildup on the Pacific island of Guam. The project would turn the thirty-mile-long island into a major hub for US military operations in the Pacific in what has been described as… Read more »


Call to action from World Can’t Wait Microsoft Word – October 17 color poster SURGE THE RESISTANCE – NOT THE WAR! JOIN THE PROTEST MARCH on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 3pm END U.S. WARS, OCCUPATIONS, AND TORTURE FOR EMPIRE! Gather near the Atkinson entrance to Ala Moana Park for a permitted street march. Bring signs and… Read more »

45 days for public to comment on military tsunami about to hit Guam

45 days to review buildup draft study By Dionesis Tamondong • Pacific Daily News • October 6, 2009 Senators are concerned the public won’t be given adequate time to properly review and comment on a draft study of the military buildup’s environmental impact to Guam. The Joint Guam Program Office yesterday gave an overview and… Read more »

Protest of Stryker and other live-fire training at Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA)

Press Release Monday, Oct. 5, 2009 Protest of Stryker and other live-fire training at Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) Saturday, Oct. 10, 2009 Mauna Kea State Park There will be a peaceful protest l0AM Saturday Oct. l0th at Mauna Kea State park –l mile east of the Pohakuloa main gate on Saddle Road. (Car pools will… Read more »

Rape of Iraqi Women by US Forces as Weapon of War: Photos and Data Emerge (Warning Graphic)

The Asian Tribune published three photographs of U.S. troops and military contractors raping Iraqi women prisoners.  These war crimes have not been seriously investigated and prosecuted.  Rape as a weapon of war is one of the most egregious violations of human rights by the U.S. military: In March 2006 four US soldiers from the 101st… Read more »