Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

U.S. seeks two Navy bases in Panama, after Panama kicked out the bases years ago

Puerto Rican scholar and activist Deborah Santana just sent me news of U.S. plans to establish two Navy bases in Panama. The article is in Spanish, but I took an excerpt from Deborah’s email summarizing the article: This news just got reported in the Mexican daily La Jornada. Unfortunately I don’t have time to translate… Read more »

Important new website: Militarization in the Marianas

I just learned about this important website Militarization in the Marianas covering various aspects of U.S. militarization and Chamoru resistance in the Marianas.  Here’s an excerpt from the welcome message: Hafa Adai and Welcome to Militarization in the Marianas, an informational website about the U.S. military presence in the CNMI and Guam. This website serves… Read more »

New party sweeps elections in Japan – What does it mean?

In a recent election, Japanese voters ousted the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and brought to power what had been the main opposition party, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ). This is the first time that the LDP has not ruled, and it raises many questions about the prospects for the future of Japan, including… Read more »

Disarm Now! Mobilizing Call for the NPT Review

Please support this call for nuclear disarmament by leading anti-nuclear and peace groups.   Their is a small window for making progress on nuclear disarmament. In 2010, the countries that are party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty will meet in New York for the 5-year review of the treaty.  Civil society groups will converge to hold… Read more »

Catherine Lutz: US Bases and Empire – looking at the Asia-Pacific

From the online journal Japan Focus, an excellent article by Catherine Lutz, the editor of the book Bases of Empire. US Bases and Empire: Global Perspectives on the Asia Pacific Catherine Lutz Much about our current world is unparalleled: holes in the ozone layer, the commercial patenting of life forms, degrading poverty on a massive… Read more »

The Guam Treaty as a Modern ‘Disposal’ of the Ryukyus

The Guam Treaty as a Modern ‘Disposal’ of the Ryukyus September 22, 2009 By Kunitoshi Sakurai Source: Japan Focus Introduction by Gavan McCormack Translation by Takeda Kyousuke and Takeda Yuusuke [Introduction: Little attention internationally was paid to the agreement signed in February, 2009 between the newly commissioned Obama government in the US and the declining… Read more »

Anti-military protest erupts at Okinawa Prefecture Hall

Anti-military protest erupts at Okinawa Prefecture Hall Date Posted: 2009-09-24 Peace groups, protesters and demonstrators opposed to Futenma Marine Corps Air Station have very vocally taken their case to the Okinawa Prefecture Hall. “Let’s not make new military bases on Okinawa,” shouted many of the peace activists as they shouted, sang, raised their fists and… Read more »

Street Report from the G20/Showcase for New Weapons

Street Report from the G20 Sep 26, 2009 By Bill Quigley Bill Quigley’s ZSpace Page / ZSpace The G20 in Pittsburgh showed us how pitifully fearful our leaders have become. What no terrorist could do to us, our own leaders did. Out of fear of the possibility of a terrorist attack, authorities militarize our towns,… Read more »

Army to discharge Ehren Watada next month

Army to discharge Ehren Watada next month By Gregg K. Kakesako POSTED: 04:10 p.m. HST, Sep 25, 2009 First Lt. Ehren Watada, the first commissioned military officer to refuse deployment to Iraq because he believed it was an illegal war, has won his three-year legal battle with the Army. With little fanfare, the Army at… Read more »