Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Streaming Video of the “Blue Pacific Continent” forum

Blue Pacific Continent: Militarized Experiences in Hawai’i, the Marshall Islands and Guahan Introduction to the Panel:   Ken Kuper, FITE Club   Victoria-Lola Leon Guererro, Guahan Coalition for Peace and Justice Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Former Rongelap Senator, Marshall Islands   Kyle Kajihiro, Hawai’i Peace and Justice and DMZ-Hawai’i / Aloha ‘Aina Panel Discussion and Question and… Read more »

Moana Nui Conference air dates on ‘Olelo

Mahalo to Scotty Wong and the crew at ‘Olelo for documenting the Moana Nui peoples’ conference as well as the happenings within the ‘official’ APEC summit. Below are the airdates for the first installment of Moana Nui programs.  The programs stream live during their scheduled air date/time at   The shows will also be… Read more »

Arundhati Roy: “The People Who Created the Crisis Will Not Be the Ones That Come Up With a Solution”

In a Truthout interview Arundhati Roy: “The People Who Created the Crisis Will Not Be the Ones That Come Up With a Solution”, the acclaimed author and social visionary interprets and analyzes the significance of the Occupy Movement: AR: I don’t think the whole protest is only about occupying physical territory, but about reigniting a… Read more »

Rivals under the same heaven

President Obama used the backdrop of the November 2011 APEC summit in Honolulu to unveil his foreign policy ‘pivot’ to the Asia-Pacific region, then traveled to Australia where he announced the expansion of U.S. military exercises and bases there.  Recently, Secretary of State Clinton wrote an article in Foreign Policy entitled “America’s Pacific Century”, where… Read more »

Okinawan defense chief compared military relocation to rape

The head of the Okinawan Defense Bureau compared the relocation of the Futenma military base to Henoko to an act of rape and may lose his job because of it.   It was probably a poor political choice of words given the politically charged atmosphere in Okinawa regarding U.S. military bases and the many crimes committed… Read more »

“The Pacific Blue Continent: Militarized Experiences in Hawai’i, the Marshall Islands and Guahan”

November 30, 2011 5:30 pm University of Guam CLASS Public Lecture Hall Featured Speakers: Kyle Kajihiro, Hawai’i Peace and Justice Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Former Senator, Rongelap Island, Ken Kuper, FITE Club Victoria-Lola Leon Guerrero, Guahan Coalition for Peace and Justice Sponsored by the Division of Social Work and Guahan Coalition for Peace and Justice

Nye on U.S. ‘pivot’ to Asia Pacific

Joseph Nye, President Clinton’s first Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs wrote an opinion article for the New York Times that applauds President Obama for his ‘pivot’ towards the Asia Pacific region and decision to increase U.S. military training in Australia.  This appears to be a concession that the move of Futenma air… Read more »

Navy wants the two Hawaii Superferries

When the community rallied to oppose the fast-track of the Hawaii Superferry back in 2007, we began to raise concerns about the military interests driving the venture.  Corporate and public officials dismissed the concerns as paranoid rantings.   But diligent research by Lance Holter and others surfaced many connections between the Hawaii Superferry prototype and… Read more »

Call for solidarity to save Takae forest in Okinawa!

The Okinawa Outreach blog posted news and an action alert about an escalating situation in Takae in Northern Okinawa.  The U.S. military uses the area as a jungle warfare training area and is attempting to expand the base, including construction of a new helipad.  The local residents have been blocking construction and holding vigil.  The… Read more »

APEC “Hawaii’s biggest media event since Pearl Harbor”?

Calling APEC  “a game changer for Hawaii,” (11/19/2011) Honolulu City Council member Stanley Chang gushed that “This was Hawaii’s biggest media event since Pearl Harbor.”   And to him, “good press” included headlines like “Leaders’ close call with grass skirts and coconut bras.”  Or APEC agent Christopher Deedy fatally shooting local Kollin Elderts in a 3… Read more »