Military using citizenship to bribe immigrants to enlist,0,5003914.story

Army extends immigrant recruiting

Pilot program seeks to boost the ranks of language and healthcare specialists by offering citizenship.

By Alexandra Zavis and Andrew Becker

May 4, 2009

The lanky 19-year-old from South Korea has lived in the Southland since he was 9 years old. He is as comfortable speaking English as his native Korean. And he desperately wants to join the Army.

Late last week, the teenager walked into a recruiting office in an Eagle Rock mall wearing a pendant shaped like a dog tag around his neck. Until recently, local recruiters would have had to turn him away. His student visa would not have qualified him to enlist. Only citizens or permanent residents who carry green cards were eligible to serve.

But starting today, 10 Los Angeles-area Army recruiting offices w ill begin taking applications from some foreigners who are here on temporary visas or who have been granted asylum.

In all, the pilot program, which was launched in New York in February, seeks to enlist 1,000 military recruits with special language and medical skills, most of whom will join the Army. Response to the program has exceeded expectations, drawing applications from more than 7,000 people around the country, many of them highly educated, defense officials said.

Those who are accepted will get an expedited path to citizenship in return for their service. “Ever since I entered high school, I was waiting for this opportunity,” Jason, the 19-year-old aspiring soldier, told recruiters as they helped him prepare documents to submit today. “As soon as it came, I just jumped.”

The Army requested that applicants’ full names not be used because, in some cases, it could put them or family members at risk in their home countries.

Although the Army has been meeting or exceeding its recruiting goals, defense officials say there is a shortage of soldiers with medical, foreign language and cultural abilities needed in the war on terror and peacekeeping efforts around the world.

“What we’re looking for are critical, vital skills,” said Naomi Verdugo, assistant deputy for recruiting in the office of the assistant secretary of the Army.

The Army hopes to enlist 333 healthcare professionals, including doctors, dentists, nurses and others. It is also looking for 557 people with any of 35 languages, including Arabic and Yoruba, spoken in West Africa. Spanish is not on the list. An additional 110 slots are earmarked for other services, which have not yet started taking applications for the program.

Although the effort is limited in scope, it has raised concerns among some veterans groups and advocates for tighter immigration controls. They question whether the policy shift could pave the way for large numbers of foreigners, including ones who might have entered the U.S. illegally, to join the armed services.

“By aggressively recruiting foreigners abroad, or illegal immigrants who could use such a program to get legalized, we could easily create a situation where the Pentagon comes to rely on cheap foreign labor,” said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington D.C.-based think tank.

“That’s not where we are now. . . . But we always need to be careful that we don’t start going down a steep, slippery slope.”

Defense officials emphasize that the program is only open to foreigners who have lived legally in the U.S. for at least two years, including students, some professionals and refugees.

Those who enlist are required to meet the same physical and conduct standards as other recruits and exceed the educational standards. They are also vetted by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, and they will not be granted waivers for any criminal offenses.

Foreign-born residents have a long history in the U.S. armed forces.

Under a wartime statute invoked in 2002, those who serve can apply for citizenship on the first day of active duty. Naturalization fees are waived. About 29,000 people with green cards are in the military and about 8,000 enlist each year, according to Pentagon figures.

Recruiters have already signed up 105 people with targeted languages and two medical professionals under the new program.

More than 60% of those enlisting under the pilot program have at least a bachelor’s degree, compared with roughly 7% of those joining the Army through regular channels.

Their average score on a required math and verbal aptitude test is 79 out of a possible 99 points. That’s compared with 62 for the average citizen or permanent resident who enlisted in the Army in the 12 months ending in September.

As word of the New York pilot program spread, many people traveled across the country to apply.

The 107 enlisted so far include 13 California residents, officials said. Less than half came from the New York area, including New Jersey.

Jason was among those who traveled to New York. But he arrived so tired after an overnight flight that he failed to score the minimum 50 points on a sample aptitude test.

By extending the program to Los Angeles, Army officials hope to make it easier for applicants on the West Coast to be considered and to ease the pressure on New York recruiters.

They also want to reach a broader range of language experts. So far, most of the recruits have been Korean, Indian and Chinese language speakers. The Army needs more people with languages used in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran, among others. Only four of the recruits enlisted as Arabic speakers, one speaks Urdu and one speaks Punjabi.

Staff Sgt. Joshua Cannon, who commands the recruiting station where Jason is applying, is pleased to be able to sign up more aspiring Americans. The policy restricting applications to people with green cards has been a source of frustration to local recruiters, who have struggled for years to find qualified applicants in a city with many immigrants, especially when the country is at war.

Cannon said his office had been getting calls about the new program for months. For most of the callers, the biggest draw is the chance to become citizens in as little as six months, he said. The normal naturalization process can take five to 15 years.

To retain their citizenship, participants must honorably complete at least five years of service.

When Jason heard he could apply closer to home, he headed straight over. This time he scored a respectable 67 on the sample aptitude test.

After 10 years of living with the uncertainty of temporary visas, he too is hoping to finally become an American.

His mother, who raised two children alone, never bothered to apply for green cards for the family, so now he faces the possibility of being summoned back to South Korea for mandatory military service.

Jason is also looking for a way to complete his studies at Pasadena City College.

His mother’s grocery store is struggling, so he had to defer for two semesters after his first year to help keep the business going. Although his mother worries that Jason could be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan, he will not be dissuaded.

“I would have to go to the army in Korea anyway, so let’s make it count for something,” he said. “A new life. A new beginning.”

California cities ban military recruiters initiating contact with youth

Humboldt cities take on military recruiting — and U.S.

Published Sunday, Apr. 19, 2009

ARCATA – David was sitting in a coffee shop when he first got the idea to take on Goliath.

The “David” in this story has a last name of Meserve. The “Goliath” is less metaphorically known as the United States government.

And the tale revolves around a first-of-its-kind effort by two small Humboldt County cities to prevent military recruiters from trolling for prospects among the towns’ residents under age 18.

Virtually unnoticed by the rest of the world, voters in Eureka (population 26,000) and Arcata (population 18,000) last November approved ballot measures that were collectively referred to as “the Youth Protection Act.”

Passed by convincing margins (73 percent in Arcata, 57 percent in Eureka), the act prohibits military recruiters from initiating contact with anyone under the age of 18 within the cities’ limits. Violations can result in a fine of $100 for both the recruiters and their commanding officers.

“We’re not anti-military,” said David Meserve, a 59-year-old former Arcata city councilman. “But we think that we have the right to protect our children from being unduly influenced.”

If the rest of the world paid little notice to the votes, however, the federal government paid acute attention. In December, the Justice Department notified the two cities they were being sued. (The cities agreed not to try to enforce the ordinances until the legal fight plays out.)

“The gist of the government position is our constitutional system assigns the responsibility for military functions, including the recruitment of qualified persons to join the military, solely to the federal government,” Justice Department spokesman Charles Miller said in an e-mail to The Bee.

“Individual cities do not have the power to overrule the federal government on this issue.”

Recruiter’s pitch hit nerve

Meserve, who designs and builds environmentally friendly custom homes when not leading initiative drives, said the idea for the measures came to him a couple of years ago while in a coffee shop, eavesdropping on a National Guard recruiter making a pitch to three young girls.

Meserve said he listened as the recruiter told the girls that as National Guard members, they had only a small chance of being sent to Iraq.

“I just about lost it at that point,” he said. “It brought home to me the fact that these recruiters were targeting young people who didn’t have fully developed thought patterns on things like this, and I thought we should do something about it as a community.”

Meserve said he began hearing stories from area residents of recruiters talking to kids at the local skateboard parks, or at sports events, or repeatedly calling a prospective recruit on his or her cell phone.

“In some cases, it was pretty intense,” he said. “It was getting a bit out of hand.”

So last spring, Meserve and others gathered enough signatures to put the issue before voters in both cities in November. There was no organized opposition in either town.

Although educational institutions such as Yale Law School have tried and failed to ban military recruiters, and the Berkeley City Council “invited” recruiters to leave town last year, the Arcata and Eureka ordinances appear to be the first of their kind.

“To our knowledge, the attempt by these cities to second-guess the congressionally established (recruitment) policy is unprecedented,” said the Justice Department’s Miller.

Reaching youths early

Just how big a perceived problem the two cities are trying to solve is hard to measure. There’s no question that military recruiting is big business for the Department of Defense.

According to a recent Rand Corp. report, the department spent more than $600 million in 2007 on recruitment advertising.

There’s also little doubt that traditional recruitment procedures include efforts to “inform” youths under the age of 18 about military enlistment.

A 2007 Defense Department study reported the percentage of youths who would consider joining the military dropped from more than 25 percent at age 16 to less than 15 percent at age 21.

“If you wait until they’re (high school) seniors,” instructs the U.S. Army’s School Recruiting Program Handbook, “it’s probably too late.”

But recruiters counter that no one under the age of 18 can enlist without parental or guardian consent. And given the sorry state of the economy over the past 15 months, military officials say, recruiting has not been particularly difficult.

In testimony earlier this year before congressional committees, recruiting program leaders said Army, Marine and National Guard quotas all had already been met through 2011.

“We obviously are going to have a few more people because of the economy,” said Cathy Pauley, a public affairs specialist for the Army recruiting battalion headquartered in Sacramento, “but most of our success is because we have good relations with the communities we’re in.”

Pauley’s battalion covers a 112,000-square-mile chunk of Central and Northern California, southern Oregon and northwestern Nevada – including Arcata and Eureka.

The government’s legal challenge to the ordinances is rooted in constitutional grounds. In the suit, filed in federal court in San Francisco, government attorneys argue that the supremacy clause in Article VI of the U.S. Constitution means federal law trumps local or state law – and federal law says Congress has the power to “raise and support” armed forces.

It’s a position with which law professor David Levine finds little room to argue.

“I don’t see how the cities defend it,” said Levine, who teaches at the University of California Hastings College of the Law. “Politically, I can see where they have to make the effort, but boy, I wouldn’t bet the farm.”

Levine said the cities might argue they have parens patriae (“father of the people”) authority to protect children from risky situations, similar to the authority cited to remove children from abusive homes.

“But,” he added, “it just seems to me a judge is going to say to the cities ‘nice idea, but sorry.’ ”

Cities getting free legal help

Both cities are trying to minimize their legal costs in the case, the first hearing of which is tentatively scheduled for June. In addition to the cities’ regular attorneys, lawyers from two San Francisco law firms are offering their services for free.

“My firm is involved because this is a constitutional-rights issue,” said Brad Yamauchi, a partner with Minami Lew & Tamaki. “The cities have the right to protect their children.”

A casual survey of the towns’ populace last week turned up little apprehension that taxpayers might have to foot the bills for ordinances that never went into effect.

“It’s hard to say that each little town can decide what we’re going to do in each case,” said Selena Rowan, a 22-year-old herbalist who was making her way across Arcata’s historic Central Plaza. “But there has to be a point where we do have a say.”

Besides, said Martin Swett, a 44-year-old mortgage broker who was loading art and photo equipment into a van, it might set a precedent either way.

“If we lose, then other municipalities might not take it on, and it will save them money,” he said. “And if we win, maybe the idea will spread.”

Call Steve Wiegand, Bee Capitol Bureau, (916) 321-1076.


Hawai’i’s nisei vets crucial to statehood push

Here we see the complexities of Asian settler history and politics in Hawai’i and the persistence of this controlling myth of Hawai’i as a racial promised land.  Second generation Japanese in Hawai’i were thoroughly Americanized and militarized by the outbreak of WWII.   The Japanese suffered much hardship and discrimination at the hands of the haole (white settler) oligarchy and military elite, and saw their ticket to social and economic advancement in military service, super patriotism, and statehood.   This story of racial and social redemption through military service is used to silence voices for sovereignty and against militarism.

Posted on: Monday, April 20, 2009

Hawaii’s nisei vets were crucial in achieving statehood for Isles

Japanese-Americans’ heroism in WWII eased congressional suspicions

By Michael Tsai
Advertiser Staff Writer

Robert Katayama still vividly remembers the day he and hundreds of other young Japanese-American men departed Hawai’i for what would be a historic display of valor and patriotism in the European theater of battle – a demonstration of national loyalty that would one day help to revive the then-territory’s dream of statehood.

Just 18 years old, Katayama took his place among the group of anxious would-be soldiers as they were dropped off at the old Iwilei train station.

Each volunteer brought with him two bags loaded with clothes and other essentials, which they then had to lug to Pier 11 for boarding on the S.S. Lurline.

Family and friends crowded around trying to help with the bags and say their farewells, but military police forced them back.

“It was understood that we probably wouldn’t return home,” Katayama said. “But that was part of the sacrifice.”

Katayama was a senior in high school when Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. Within weeks, Katayama and his Japanese-American peers, most of them nisei, were mobilized as part of a movement to protect the land of their birth and silence questions of their loyalty to the United States.

Members of the University of Hawai’i ROTC had helped to guard vulnerable areas of the island immediately after the attack, but on Jan. 19, 1942, the Army discharged all Japanese-Americans from the ROTC and labeled them “enemy aliens.”

Undaunted, the cadets, at the urging of community leaders, reorganized as the Varsity Victory Volunteers to help the military with repair and construction work.

A year later, the War Department announced the formation of an all-nisei combat team. An estimated 10,000 Japanese-American men from Hawai’i volunteered.

“When you’re 18, your thinking is not that profound,” Katayama said. “We just thought, ‘OK, we’ll prove our loyalty and volunteer,’ knowing full well that we would probably end up in combat somewhere.”

The recruits joined their Mainland counterparts in extended training at Camp McCoy in Wisconsin and Camp Shelby in Mississippi before shipping off to war.

The 100th Battalion/442nd Regimental Combat Team would become the most decorated unit for its size and length of service, honors earned for exemplary performance in some of the bloodiest campaigns of the war.

Approximately 14,000 Japanese-Americans served, earning 9,486 Purple Hearts, 21 Medals of Honor and an unprecedented eight Presidential Unit Citations.
success redemptive

The success of the nisei soldiers proved redemptive not just for Japanese-Americans, whose World War II experience was characterized by forced internment, government investigation and broad discrimination, but for Hawai’i, whose ongoing bid for statehood was stalled by southern legislators suspicious of the territory’s nonwhite majority.

The drive for statehood began almost as soon as the Hawaiian monarchy was overthrown. Robert Wilcox, the territory’s first congressional delegate, was elected on a pledge to advocate statehood for Hawai’i. In 1919, Prince Kuhio Kalaniana’ole introduced the first Hawaiian statehood bill to Congress, which referred it to a committee to study.

The movement picked up momentum in the late 1930s, culminating in a territorial plebiscite in which 67 percent of Hawai’i voters expressed their support for joining the union.

But the attack on Pearl Harbor effectively quashed the drive as Hawai’i’s large Japanese population – nearly 40 percent of the total population at the time – raised the collective eyebrow of already suspicious lawmakers in Washington.

After the war, Southern Democrats in particular continued to question the wisdom of admitting a territory with a large immigrant population and an active labor movement then suspected of communist sympathies.

Yet, the meritorious service of the 100th Battalion/442nd quelled immediate fears of subversion within the territory and, just as importantly, provided a springboard for returning nisei soldiers who would go on to hold influential positions in the local government and community.

Four months after the end of World War II, Interior Secretary Harold Ickes endorsed Hawai’i statehood as the official position of the Department of the Interior. A month later, the U.S. House Committee on Territories began 11 days of hearings on Hawai’i statehood, the first since 1937.

As the statehood movement got back on track, Katayama and thousands of other returning soldiers turned their attention to resuming their education with the help of the GI Bill.

Katayama would go on to graduate from the University of Hawai’i, complete a law degree from Yale and earn a commission as an Army officer with the Judge Advocate General.

“We understood that education was our ticket to making it in life,” Katayama said. “And it was available to us through the GI Bill.”
war hero status

While Katayama remained on the Mainland, others, like future U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye, would parlay their education and their status as war heroes to make an impact on local and national politics.

The veterans made their most indelible imprint on Hawai’i politics in the so-called Democratic Revolution of 1954.

Japanese-Americans were already firmly established in the Territorial House and Senate, but most were part of the Republican majority. With a new round of elections on the horizon, the Democrats identified, though perhaps not in any concerted way, the advantage of recruiting the nisei veterans.

“What strikes me is how haphazard the whole thing was,” said Tom Coffman, a historian, filmmaker and author of “The Island Edge of America: A Political History of Hawai’i.”

“(Future territorial delegate and Hawai’i Gov. John) Burns was put in charge of recruiting them because no one else had time,” he said. “It had kind of an off-hand quality to it. But the Democrats got the war veterans and that swung a lot of Republican voters to the Democrat side, and a lot of Japanese Republicans were voted out of office.”

The shift in power would ultimately establish Democratic control of the Legislature for the rest of the century.

In that 1954 election, the Territorial House of Representatives went from 11 Democrats and 19 Republicans to 22 Democrats and eight Republicans; the Territorial Senate went from seven Democrats and eight Republicans to nine Democrats and six Republicans.
overnight revolution

Among the new faces in the Legislature were future U.S. Sens. Inouye and Spark Matsunaga, as well as future Gov. George Ariyoshi.

The overnight revolution reflected not just the influence of the nisei war veterans coming of political age, but a broad dissatisfaction with a plantation economy still controlled by the de facto oligarchy of Big 5 companies.

Yet, the new Democrat-controlled Legislature was still handcuffed by the veto power of the presidentially appointed Republican governor. It was a situation that was not likely to change unless Hawai’i became a state, empowering residents to elect their own governor.

That was just one of many considerations that drove the statehood movement over the next five years.

Japanese-Americans, still stinging from their experiences during the war, were among the most vocal in pushing for statehood.

“They had been put through a terrible ordeal, had been subjected to a lot of scrutiny and criticism and some level of discrimination since they first arrived (in Hawai’i),” Coffman said. “During the war, they were threatened with internment, threatened with losing everything they had. They were subjected to investigation and were pressured enormously to serve in military units that were put into really brutal, prolonged combat situations.

“What happened was a quiet version of ‘never again,’ ” he said. “They wanted to get their constitutional rights secured. They didn’t want to be considered second-class anymore.”

Matsunaga expressed what was a widely held position for Japanese-Americans and other territorial citizens in an oral history recorded by the Smithsonian Institution: “We were born on American soil, consequently, under the Constitution, we were Americans by birth. Of course we couldn’t vote for the president because we were not a state. We had no representation in the Congress of the United States, so after the war we thought we should be recognized fully and full recognition would mean making Hawai’i a state of the Union.”

By the late 1950s, the issue of Japanese-American loyalty had largely been put aside. More pressing to the issue of statehood, Coffman said, were the interrelated issues of the Civil Rights movement and the Cold War perception of the U.S. as a racist nation.

“Eisenhower was refreshingly candid about how Hawai’i (statehood) could improve the American image in the world,” Coffman said.

Southern Democrats worried that Hawai’i inclusion would shift the balance of power in Congress, paving the way for the passage of the Civil Rights Act.

“Statehood for Hawai’i was framed as a civil rights issue,” said UH ethnic studies professor Jonathan Okamura. “The Southern Democrats threw out communism – this was still the McCarthy era – and other red herrings, but it was really about civil rights. (The rise of Japanese-Americans in Hawai’i politics) generated more concern for Southern Democrats, even though they were in the same party, because they knew about Hawai’i’s liberal stance.”

Still the experience of the nisei veterans proved valuable in pushing the statehood cause – sometimes in unusual and amusing ways.
LBJ connection

In “The Island Edge of America,” Coffman recounts the story of how Chuck Mau, a staunch statehood proponent and delegate to the 1948 Democratic National Convention, talked his way into a meeting of the platform committee and, once there, ingratiated himself to Texas Gov. Lyndon Johnson by retelling the story of how 442nd soldiers had rescued the “Lost Battalion” of Texas National Guardsmen.

Johnson promised his support for Hawai’i statehood and said he would lobby other Southern Democrats who opposed the measure.

It would take another 11 years of tortuous deliberations and negotiations before the Hawaii Statehood Act reached Eisenhower’s desk. For Katayama and his fellow veterans, the passage of the measure, and the subsequent territorial plebiscite in which Hawai’i voters overwhelmingly approved acceptance of the invitation to statehood, was worth the wait.

Katayama cites Inouye’s long tenure and high rank in the Senate today as a constant reminder of the way in which the state of Hawai’i has assumed rightful participation in national decisions.

Katayama was in Virginia when the statehood bill passed, but he remembers his initial reaction.

“My first thought was, ‘Now we can do something as part of the United States,’ ” he said. “We now had a voice in Congress. We could show what we had to contribute and be productive for our country.”

Reach Michael Tsai at


Stryker soldier charged with pimping two teen girls

Tacoma, WA – Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fort Lewis soldier charged with pimping

Prosecutors say Stryker infantryman used two teen girls as prostitutes

Last updated: April 18th, 2009 03:38 AM (PDT)

Pierce County prosecutors have charged a Fort Lewis soldier with promoting prostitution, alleging he directed two teenage girls to trade sex for money.

Sgt. Sterling Terrance Hospedales, a 25-year-old infantryman, also could face federal charges in connection with the continuing investigation, said Robbie Burroughs, a spokeswoman for the Seattle FBI office.

Hospedales was arraigned Thursday on two counts of first-degree promoting prostitution and was being held in the Pierce County Jail in lieu of $50,000 bail. The Florida native is assigned to the 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team and has been stationed at Fort Lewis since March 2005.

The case began with an investigation by the Pacific Northwest’s Innocence Lost Task Force, part of a federal initiative launched in June 2003. The local task force, with branches in Tacoma, Everett and Seattle, was established last summer.

A task force investigator came across information about a missing girl who might be in the Lakewood area. She was listed on the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children’s Web site, Burroughs said.

The tip was investigated, then passed along to the Tacoma branch of the task force and to two Lakewood police officers on the unit.

“They took this information and ran with it,” Burroughs said.

Officers with the task force found the missing girl, 16, and a second missing girl, 17, advertising prostitution services on Craigslist, the online classifieds site, charging documents state.

Officers made a date with the 17-year-old girl and met her at a local fast-food restaurant. She was with the 16-year-old girl, whom Hospedales had flown to Seattle from Wyoming, the court documents state.

The girls were detained and interviewed, the court documents state. They indicated Hospedales was their pimp and had taken and posted nude photos of them on the Internet, according to the documents.

“The females reported that Hospedales takes any money that they earn and it is put in a safe or in a drawer in his bedroom,” the documents state.

The girls said they lived with Hospedales and had their “dates” on an air mattress in the living room. Officers served a search warrant on the apartment and found an air mattress, handcuffs and other items the girls had described.

Officers said they found several threatening messages from Hospedales on the girls’ cell phones, the court documents state.

Hospedales was arrested as he left his apartment and booked into jail early Wednesday. He had an envelope containing $882 and the 16-year-old’s birth certificate with him at the time, according to the court documents.

“Hospedales told police that he thought the girls ran off with another pimp, so he took the money out of his safe so they couldn’t steal it from him,” the charging documents state.
The documents provide no details about when the girls were interviewed and where Hospedales’ apartment is.

Fort Lewis officials are aware of the charges against Hospedales, spokeswoman Catherine Caruso said Friday. The Army typically waits until the criminal case in civilian court is completed before taking action against a soldier, she said.

Stacey Mulick: 253-597-8268
Originally published: April 18th, 2009 12:17 AM (PDT)

Rock the Boat: A Consciousness-Rising Concert for Social Change

The Collective for Equality, Justice, and Empowerment (CEJE), will be hosting a concert and networking party for progressives/progressive orgs:


Rock the Boat: A Consciousness-Rising Concert for Social Change

Saturday, April 4, 2009

4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Hemenway Courtyard/ Manoa Gardens, University of Hawai’i at Manoa

It would mean very much to our collective to have each of you there, as the purpose of the concert/party is to create a safe, loving, and entertaining space to share stories, information, and awareness, on our given work, and to open up channels between us that will allow our energy and anti-oppression work to be become more powerful in connection with others.’

Thus, we welcome you to bring any and all information (brochures, literature, art, etc) on the issues that you/your orgs/departments/offices, address in the local/national/global community. We will have tables set up for you to make a safe educational enclave in the midst of the party 🙂

Lastly, if you are down to just come out, have fun, and share your light, by all means, come and do so! Your presence means the most. Attached is a flyer with details.

The Collective for Equality, Justice, and Empowerment, a.k.a. CEJE (pronounced “siege”), is a student-run Registered Independent Organization based in Honolulu , at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. CEJE is an open collective which welcomes and encourages intergenerational and inter/intracultural activism among a wide range of anti-oppressive groups, both on campus and in the larger local, national, and international community.

This collective serves as a safe space for individual and community decolonization, critical discussion, and creative, holistic exploration of liberatory art and activism.

We aim to utilize our resources in the university community to in order to serve as a bridging mechanism between academia and activism. We are currently engaged with two primary internal committees, the LGBTQIA Committee, and the Reproductive Justice/End Structural Violence Committee.

Founded by US women of color, third world women, indigenous women, and allies of these communities- CEJE is an egalitarian collective that works to illuminate and nurture networks of community organizations and individuals, who share common progressive visions while advocated for through specific issue areas. Our goal is to bring people together in solidarity, while engaging our own social locations and identities-in order to non-violently challenge and dismantle the politically, economically, biologically, culturally, and environmentally-ecologically oppressive and violent systems and institutions that have kept us divided, and nearly conquered, for generations. Through recovering genealogies, sharing our narratives, and moving forward as agents on behalf of our ancestors and future descendants-our hope is for a better world.

Joan Conrow on torture and military propaganda in our schools

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Musings: The Ugly Side

Well, it’s been six years since the U.S. began its “shock and awe” campaign to destroy Iraq and oust Saddam Hussein on those bogus “weapons of mass destruction” claims.

My how time flies – except for those guys and gals who keep having their tours of duty extended, and the Iraqis still living under the American occupation.

For the American public, it’s apparently turned into one big yawn:

“This is already one of the longest wars in American history. There’s nothing new in Iraq,” said Steven Roberts, a professor of media studies at the George Washington University. “We’ve read the stories of instability in the government a hundred times. Every single possible story has been told, and so there is enormous fatigue about Iraq.”

Yes, let’s skip all that and get into the really interesting stuff, like the latest celebrity to enter rehab and Michelle Obama’s penchant for sleeveless dresses.
Never mind those tedious details, like the $800 billion price tag and the 4,261 Americans killed in the war – a figure that I’m not sure includes the alarming suicide rate among ground troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Oh yeah, and then there’s the Iraqi casualty count, which CNN says is “harder to ascertain because of the lack of formal record-keeping.” But it’s “reached at least 128,000,” by CNN’s tally.

And let’s just totally gloss over the torture thing.

Democracy Now! had an interview yesterday with author, journalist and professor Mark Danner, who this past weekend broke the story that two years ago the International Committee of the Red Cross concluded in a secret report that the Bush administration’s treatment of prisoners “constituted torture” in violation of the Geneva Conventions.

In hearing the account of what happened to Abu Zubaydah, including beatings, cold temperatures, sleep deprivation, being kept in coffin-like boxes and waterboarding administered over the course of many weeks, I couldn’t help but think about what happened not only to the prisoner, but to the men who were doing the torturing.

I mean, what kind of mind set do you have to be in to systematically mistreat someone in such horrendous ways? How do you gear yourself up to go to work when that’s your job? And how do you ever go on to live a normal life?

Yeah, all of the above is the ugliness of war, the downside that most Americans don’t see and think about – and don’t want to see and think about.

Perhaps if they did they’d find it just a little bit inappropriate to have the crew of a target boat visiting Kalahelo elementary school as part of a “career development program.”

A photograph of a kindergartener being shown a piece of military equipment accompanies the story, in which Principal Erik Burkman chirps:

“It’s all about showing the students what kinds of opportunities are available to them once they leave school.”

OK, that’s fine, but while you’re also showing kids the war mongers dressed in their “smart black headwear, khaki-colored shirt and smartly pressed black slacks with black socks and black shoes,” how about showing them some of the amputees, or the guys who will never leave the VA hospital because of head injuries or the homeless vets living in the street or the ones whose lives are forever screwed up because they’ve got PTSD?

How about showing them photos of the kids just like them who are blown up and maimed and orphaned by American soldiers, sailors, Marines and suicide bombers fighting the occupation of their nation? How about showing them what happens to real people when the joy stick they’re operating isn’t controlling a video game, but a Predator drone?

But that kind of education might distress and depress the poor keiki, and perhaps even require parental permission. Far better to fill their heads with propaganda and nonsense to prime them at an early age to fight the next imperialistic war.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Navy visit to Kalaheo School offers students another career choice

By Dennis Fujimoto – The Garden Island
KALAHEO – The new look of the United States Navy arrived with the crew of a target boat Wednesday morning on the Kalaheo School campus.

Lt. Michael Prince, whom many of the school students knew as “Coach Mike,” brought along a crew from the Navy’s Seaborne Target Division that operates out of the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Mana. That division is more commonly known as SEPTAR with its larger boats moored at the Port Allen harbor.

“This was a special visit,” said Erik Burkman, Kalaheo School’s principal. “It comes on the heels of our career development program that was changed from previous years.”

Burkman said instead of having community professionals visit the school, the classes instead visited places where people worked.

“It’s all about showing the students what kinds of opportunities are available to them once they leave school,” Burkman said.

The Navy’s target crew – Francisco Herndon, Alfonso Gomez and Randy Belknap – operate under Prince and were dressed in the Navy’s new uniform of a smart black headwear, khaki-colored shirt and smartly pressed black slacks with black socks and black shoes.

“I’m in white because people associate white with the Navy, but the new uniforms are a lot more ‘user-friendly,'” Prince said. “They’re smart looking and make the people look good.”

Along with the new uniforms, the crew hauled in one of the latest classes of target boats, the OA class, for the students to see.

“This is to show the students just one more opportunity they have available to them, but also how the remote system on one of these target boats work,” Prince said. “We’ve been to other schools for Career Development, but this is the first time we are visiting Kalaheo School.”

Herndon took the reins and welcomed the students, showing them how the target boat is operated using a laptop computer and a joystick resembling those found in gaming systems on home computers.

“The boat is remotely operated when it pulls a target,” Prince said. “In actuality, all the boats are targets. Eventually, they’ll be expended.”

Prince said the new boats are different from the older models in its keel where the newer boats use a four-foot cut with the result being the newer boats being able to negotiate swells better, comparing the target boats against the United States Coast Guard’s rigid-hull craft.

Students reveled in the ability to move the boat’s steering system using the joystick control, doing radio checks with Gomez answering on their inquiries and even getting a close up look at some of the gear used by the Navy personnel.

“Normally, we operate out of PMRF and launch out of the Kikiaola Small Boat Harbor,” Prince said. “But recently, the harbor has been undergoing a facelift so we sometimes launch out of Port Allen.

For the crew, it was a nice change of pace, especially for Belknap who recently moved here from Oklahoma.

But for the students, the most thrilling part was being able to sound the boat’s horn using the special tab located atop the joystick.

Aidan Delgado Interviewed in the Hawaii Independent

The Peter Serafim did an interview with Aidan Delgado for the Hawaii Independent. Delgado is an Iraq war veteran and conscientious objector who will be speaking in Hawai’i this week. Here’s the intro to the article:

Aidan Delgado grew up in Thailand and Egypt, where his father was a U. S. Foreign Service staffer. In 2000 he returned to the United States to attend college. He joined the Army Reserve and signed his final enlistment document on September 11, 2001 – minutes before the terrorist attacks.

Delgado, a Buddhist, served as a truck mechanic and was part of the initial American invasion of Iraq in 2003. Because he spoke some Arabic, he also translated for his unit. Later he was stationed at Abu Ghraib prison.

He filed for conscientious objector status while in Iraq and continued to serve in the combat zone until CO status was granted and he was discharged 15 months later. He wrote about his experiences in “The Sutras of Abu Ghraib: Notes from a Conscientious Objector in Iraq.”

Delgado will be speaking on O‘ahu and the Big Island this month.

Read the full interview here.

Aidan Delgado:
Thursday, March 12, 7:30pm
Info: Dr. Marilyn Brown (933-3184) or Catherine Kennedy (985-9151).

Friday, March 13, 7:30pm
Church of the Crossroads
1212 University Avenue
Info: Revolution Books (944-3106)

Iraq War resister Aidan Delgado to speak


Download a pdf version of the announcement

Friday, March 13, 7:30pm

A Talk by Aidan Delgado, Conscientious Objector

Church of the Crossroads

Activist with Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) and Buddhist Peace Fellowship (BPF) Aidan Delgado served in Iraq from April 1st, 2003 through April 1st, 2004. After spending six months in Nasiriyah in Southern Iraq, he spent six months helping to run the now-infamous Abu Ghraib prison outside of Baghdad where he was a witness to widespread, almost daily, U.S. war crimes in Iraq.  He is the author of “Sutras of Abu Ghraib” and will sign copies of his book after his talk. Info: 534-2255

Sponsored by World Can’t Wait, AFSC Hawai’i CHOICES Project, and others.

YouthSpeaks Hawaii Interscholastic Poetry Slam


please help spread the word!
show your love and support for Hawaii’s Youth Poets!
any questions, let me know:

Youth Speaks Hawaii presents

INTERscholastic Poetry Slam, Spring’09

Featuring High School Slam Poets from:
Kalani, Haki Puu, UH Lab, Farrington
(Kalaheo? MidPac? Campbell? Waianae? Mililani)
Friday the 13th, March 2009
@ Farrington HS Aud
$3 with ANY STUDENT ID (including college)
all ages

ps. we are also looking for volunteers for this event, all of whom would be “guest listed +1” for their services upon agreement of duties
if you or someone you know would be interested in volunteering for the upcoming INTERslam
please holler at me ASAP
my contact info should be listed below

Program Director, Youth Speaks Hawaii
Creative Writing Teacher, Palama Setlement, Kids Talk Story

San Diego Silences JROTC Guns!

Kiki Ochoa from the Education Not Arms Coalition wrote:


Over 300 parents, students, and community members came out in force and waited almost 6 hours four our action item on the agenda. A special Thank you to the AFSC office for the transportation and all the collectives who supported us last night. Mission Bay HS MEChA, Lincoln MEChA, SDSU MEChA, UCSD MEChA, Montgomery MEChA, Otay Ranch MECha, Hilltop MECha, Memorial Middle School, The Association or Raza Educators, the Raza Rights Coalition, Unión del Barrio, Project Yano, Latinos Unidos and many more [I apologize if anyone is excluded] came out and forced the Board of Education to create change and take one step towards the demilitarization of our schools.

Check out this clip:

Here’s the news release:

San Diego Silences JROTC Guns

Contact: Education Not Arms Coalition,

February 10, 2009 (see photos below) – San Diego Unified, located in the middle of one of the largest military complexes in the world, took the uncharacteristic step of banning rifle training conducted under the military’s high school JROTC program. Eleven schools with rifle ranges were affected in the nation’s eighth largest urban district.

Before the board meeting began, speakers representing local high schools and colleges addressed an outside crowd of 200 students, parents, teachers and community supporters. Some high schools sent so many students that two charter buses, courtesy of the AFSC, were used for transportation. Anticipating a long evening before the school board would discuss the rifle training issue, the Association of Raza Educators provided tamales to help sustain the crowd.

It wasn’t until four hours into the board meeting, at 9:00 PM, that the agenda item came up for discussion. The vote was preceded by testimony from about 15 pro- and con- speakers in front of a crowd that was largely in favor of terminating the weapons training program. One school board member said that in all of his many years on the board, this was the most impressive student effort he had ever seen. Even two board members who opposed the resolution expressed their admiration for the students’ involvement. When the decision was made, the resolution, which immediately banned all marksmanship training in the district, passed by a vote of 3-2. The crowd then spilled out of the auditorium to hold a loud and joyous celebration.

This achievement was made possible by a collaboration of students and various community groups who first came together in 2007 as the Education Not Arms Coalition. One of their main concerns was the way schools were tracking students into military training (via JROTC) while denying them adequate class alternatives, especially ones needed to qualify for college. Students from African American and Latino families were being disproportionately affected.

To address the problem, the coalition adopted three initial goals–convince the school district to:

-stop placing students into military science (JROTC) classes without their informed consent.
-stop telling parents and students that the class will help them qualify for college, when it won’t.
-ban weapons training and JROTC gun ranges in San Diego schools.

All three goals have now been achieved, the first two by a superintendent’s directive, the third by school board action. Throughout the over one-year long campaign, high school students have played a central role in educating and mobilizing their peers, with support from a variety of community and college groups.

Audio of the entire Feb. 10 hearing and school board decision is posted on the SD Unified site: Video should be added soon.

For a video news report, visit:

For more information: <>

PHOTOS, FEBRUARY 10, 2009 . . .

About 150 students from a dozen schools, plus another 50 teachers, parents and
other supporters, rally at school district headquarters before school board meeting.

As the board meeting begins, a JROTC color guard and students
opposing JROTC rifle ranges stand face-to-face for the
pledge of allegiance.

After waiting 4-1/2 hours for the school board to vote, cheering students
celebrate their victory outside.

This is the actual text of the resolution passed by the school district:

Resolution in the Matter of Eliminating Marksmanship Training From San Diego Unified School District Schools

WHEREAS, the San Diego Unified School District has a zero-tolerance policy on weapons in schools and seeks, as one of its primary goals, to teach students to resolve conflicts without resorting to violence; and

WHEREAS, the District cannot risk sending a mixed message to students when some of their lives have been recently taken by gun violence;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that any existing school district property used for shooting ranges shall be immediately closed for that purpose and converted for other educational uses by the beginning of the next regular school year.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that marksmanship training, whether it is conducted on-campus or off-campus, and through textbooks or physical instruction, shall not be taught in connection with the San Diego Unified School District and shall be discontinued immediately.