Two Protests of U.S. missile launch from Vandenberg to Kwajalein

Protest ICBM Launch, Saturday, August 22nd at 1:00 PM

Protest ICBM Launch (Nuclear Warhead Delivery System) from Vandenberg Space Command to Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands

Saturday, August 22nd at 1:00 PM
Los Angeles Air Force Base, Space & Missile Center
262 N. Douglas Street, El Segundo

Blase Bonpane, Director of the Office of the Americas
Mayra Gomez, The World March For Peace

There are UN sanctions against the starving country of North Korea for short range, slow launch liquid fuel missile tests that only reached the Sea of Japan. The USA tests high tech, rapid launch (thus the name Minuteman) with computer guided systems that are monitored at the El Segundo Space and Missile Center.

Sponsored by the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom endorsed by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, War Resister’s League, Los Alamos Study Group, Nevada Desert Experience and many others

Watch Slide Show Presentation at:
Contact Eli Monroe: – 323-969-9307

Or MacGregor Eddy: 831-206-5043 –
For More Information:


2nd ICBM Protest, Evening of Saturday, August 22nd at 11:55 PM

Protest ICBM Launch (Nuclear Warhead Delivery System) from Vandenberg Space Command to Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands

Saturday August 22nd at 11:55 PM
Vandenberg Space Command

At the intersection of Hwy I – Across from Vanderberg Middle School
Six miles north of Lompoc on Highway I in Santa Barbara County

Ellen Thomas, Proposition One for Nuclear Disarmament & Economic Conversion
Jim Haber, War Resisters League
Messages of Support from Other Countries All Over the World

Sponsored by the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom endorsed by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, War Resister’s League, Los Alamos Study Group, Nevada Desert Experience and many others

Contact MacGregor Eddy: 831-206-5043 – Email:

Vandenberg Witness

For More Information:

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