This was sent by the No Dal Molin movement from Enzo Ciscato <>:
APPEAL: Let’s defend our HISTORY
To the associations, to the movements, to everyone
who, in these years, have put effort and struggle to preserve the landscape, the history and the cultural traditions of our territory
we are asking
for an extraordinary mobilitation to protect the archaeological findinds in the Dal Molin area.
The excavations for the construction of the US military base are actually progressing at full speed and in addition to the destruction of one of the last oasis of green and trees of the city and putting under serious risks our groundwater resources, are now endangering even the finding and the salvage of a new archaeological site on the origin of our “veneto” heritage.
The artefacts and the findings so far discovered give shape to the existence of a palaeo-veneto village dating back to a period (8000 years b.C.) preceeding of several centuries the one considered as the original first site in Vicenza area.
The risk that all this invaluable heritage will end up buried and destroyed forever under the foundation of a US military outlet is very high !
We are simply asking for the formal inspection of the value and consistence of such findings, through the channel and procedure which normally applay to the Italian archaeological sites: that is to stop the works and the intervention of the “Sovraintendenza dei beni Architettonici del Veneto”.
We are asking
to do this with transparency, making the results of the inspection available to the citizens
We think
that this is a necessary procedure, but we think that without a mobilization of the city even this request will be ignored, as happened before for the denied referendum for the construction of the Dal Molin site and the demand for the investigation on the environmental impact of the new base.
Vicenza can not forget that in the 70s Querini park, the most beautiful park in town, was saved from cement thanks to the mobilization of the citizens, of the associations and the movements.
For the Dal Molin matter Vicenza can not accept to compromise its future, insult its present and destroy its past to do a favour to a foreign power.
That’s the reason why we invite everybody, citizens, associations and movements who care for the city and its artistic and environmental heritage, to gather in this fundamental and binding demand for truth.
Presidio NoDalMolin, Vicenza, Italy