Friends of Sabeel Conference in Honolulu

What Does Justice Require of US?

Peace with Justice in the Holy Land

a conference presented by Friends of Sabeel Hawai’i

Honolulu Conference Feb. 26-27, 2010

Conference Goals: Educate others about the conflict in Palestine/israel; Provide a venue for discussion and dialogue; Empower U.S. citizens to become effectivde advocates of a just and peaceful solution.

Cathedral of Saint Andrew

Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii

229 Queen Emma Square

Honolulu, HI 96813

Conference Registration (save by registering before January 31):

Sabeel, Arabic for The Way, was founded by liberation theologist Naim Ateek, Episcopal Canon, Jerusalem, to reach out to Christians, Muslims and Jews struggling for peace in Palestine/Israel.

Featured speakers include:

The Rev. Naim Ateek, Palestinian Anglican Priest, founder/director of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center in Jerusalem, author of Justice and Only Justice: A Palestinian Theology of Liberation and A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation.

Mark Braverman, traveled to Israel and Palestine as a member of the Fellowship of Reconciliation Interfaith Peacebuilders delegation. Deep family and cultural ties to Israel/Palestine. Psychologist and author of recently released book, Fatal Embrace: Christians, Jews, and the Search for Peace in the Holy Land.

Jeff Halper, Israeli Peace Activist, founder/Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, professor of anthropology, author, acclaimed speaker and 2006 nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Mohammed Alatar, film maker and human rights activist from town of Jenin in West Bank. Nominated for Martin Luther King Jr. Award for Humanity in 2002 for his work campaigning for human rights. Films include The Iron Wall and Jerusalem: The East Side Story.

Cindy and Craig Corrie, parents of Rachel Corrie, the young peace activist killed in 2003 during Israeli house demolition in Gaza. They have taken up their daughter’s cause through the Rachel Corrie Foundation and are editors of Let Me Stand Alone: The Journals of Rachel Corrie.

Anna Baltzer, Jewish American, granddaughter of Holocaust survivors,Fulbright scholar and volu nteer with International Women’s Peace Service where she documented human rights abuses. Author of Witness in Palestine: Journal of a Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories.

Laila Al-Marayati, Palestinian American peace activist, physician, President Clinton appointee to U.S. Commission on International Rellgiious Freedom. Past president of Muslim Women’s League, an organization dedicated to disseminating accurae information about Islam.

For more information please contact:

* Margaret Brown,

* Beverly Davis-Amjadi,

* Friends of Sabeel–North America,, 503-653-6625

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