Rush to Judgment: Inconsistencies in South Korea’s Cheonan Report

Japan Focus has published a new article that questions the forensic evidence and conclusions of the South Korean government related to the sinking of the Cheonan.


Rush to Judgment: Inconsistencies in South Korea’s Cheonan Report

Seunghun Lee (Department of Physics, University of Virginia)

J.J. Suh (SAIS, Johns Hopkins University)

On the night of March 26, 2010, the 1,200 ton Republic of Korea (ROK) Navy corvette Cheonan was severed in the middle and sank off Baengnyeong Island in the West Sea (or Yellow Sea). Forty-six crew members died in the incident. After almost two months of investigation, the ROK government released an interim report that traced the cause of the Cheonan’s sinking to the explosion of a North Korean (DPRK) torpedo.1 The report, however, contains a number of inconsistencies that call into question the government’s conclusion and the integrity of its investigation. In order to address these inconsistencies and to restore public confidence in the investigation, the ROK government must form a new team to restart the investigation from the beginning. We recommend that the international community continue its insistence on an objective and thorough investigation while reiterating its commitment to peace and stability on the Korean peninsula.


One Comment

Richard Low

Thanks for posting this honest report. In fact, there were already reports like this one from S. Korea’s own observers soon after Cheonan’s sinking.
Somehow the US trusts S. Korea’s findings without question and even plans a military exercise in China’s Yellow Sea. Not only that, it still insists on keeping its military base in Okinawa despite the opposition anjd hatred of its natives. Why? Why? Why?
Is this how a super power or super bully works? No wonder that the US is “more concerned” with the Tibetans than with the Hawaiians whp are fighting for their sovereign rights!
I’d like to read more about their activities, but you hardly report anything them!
To be honest, I am worried about America’s future. The Anglo-whites still regard the US as their colony instead of their home.

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